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How to make delicious Easter cakes

How to make delicious Easter cakes
How to make delicious Easter cakes

Video: How To Make Easter Cakes, Easter Cake Recipe, Easter Cakes Ideas, Easy Easter Cakes - Tasty Secrets 2024, July

Video: How To Make Easter Cakes, Easter Cake Recipe, Easter Cakes Ideas, Easy Easter Cakes - Tasty Secrets 2024, July

Kulich is a traditional pastry for the holiday of Easter. Many people buy ready-made Easter cakes in the store, but the most delicious Easter cake can be prepared only at home.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - 1.3-1.5 kg of premium wheat flour;

  • - 6 fresh eggs are larger;

  • - 0.5 l of milk;

  • - 200 g of sweet cream butter;

  • - 300 g of raisins and candied fruits;

  • - 250-280 g of sugar;

  • - 50 g of live yeast;

  • - 15-20 g of vanilla sugar.

Instruction manual


To bake a delicious Easter cake, you first need to prepare a dough. Milk should be slightly warmed up in a deep saucepan and the live yeast dissolved in it. Then add a pound of flour, mix well and put the dough for the cake in a warm place. After about half an hour, the dough will increase in volume by 2-3 times, which means that it is ready.


Until the dough comes, you need to prepare the rest of the ingredients for the Easter cake. Raisins need to be carefully sorted out and get rid of garbage and twigs. Then soak it in boiling water for about 15 minutes. Large candied fruits can be cut. Dry soaked raisins with a towel and tumble in flour.


Also, while the dough for the Easter cake is not ready, you need to separate the egg whites from the yolks. Proteins should be whipped with a small amount of salt to a voluminous foam. The yolks need to be grated with plain and vanilla sugar.


When the dough is ready, you can proceed directly to the preparation of the cake. First of all, add the yolks crushed with sugar and mix everything. Then, send soft butter and whipped whites until foam, mix well.


The next step in the preparation of Easter cake is one of the most important. Sift flour in portions into the dough, mixing well after each serving. You also need to make sure that there is enough flour, and the dough is not too sticky to the hands. Having poured out all the flour, the dough should be well kneaded on the tabletop sprinkled with flour. If necessary, you can add more flour to the dough.


The prepared dough for the cake should be put in a deep pan, sprinkle with flour on top and put in the warm oven (35-40 ° C) for about an hour. Then add candied fruits and raisins to the risen dough and put in the oven for another 15 minutes.


Remove the dough for Easter cake from the oven and put on the table. Turn the oven on 100 degrees. Prepare molds for Easter cakes: a little grease the bottom with oil, and on top put a circle of greased parchment.


Divide the dough into equal pieces by the number of shapes. Roll in flour and roll a ball. Put the pieces on the molds and cover with a clean towel for 15 minutes. It is important that the dough takes about a third of the form, not more. Then put the forms on a baking sheet and send to the oven.


At a temperature of 100 degrees, Easter cake should be baked for about 10 minutes. Then the temperature should be increased to 190 degrees and the oven should be baked for another 20-40 minutes (check readiness with a toothpick). Ready Easter cakes should stand for 10 minutes on the table in uniforms. At this time, you can prepare glaze for them. To do this, grind powdered sugar with lemon juice, adding it a little. Ready glaze should resemble condensed milk in consistency.


Carefully remove Easter cakes from the molds and cover with glaze. You can decorate Easter cake with candied fruits, chopped nuts and ready-made pastry topping.

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