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How to Make Potted Braised Beef

How to Make Potted Braised Beef
How to Make Potted Braised Beef

Video: Super Easy Fall-Off-the-Bone Chinese Style Ribs 气压锅中式排骨 One Pot Chinese Pork Recipe -Pressure Cooker 2024, July

Video: Super Easy Fall-Off-the-Bone Chinese Style Ribs 气压锅中式排骨 One Pot Chinese Pork Recipe -Pressure Cooker 2024, July

Cooking meat with vegetables in pots is actually very easy and simple. Even a person who does not have experience in cooking will cope with this recipe. But the dish is very tasty, aromatic and mouth-watering.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - beef pulp 500 g

  • - potatoes 3-4 pieces

  • - 2 carrots

  • - small zucchini

  • - 1 small onion

  • - 2 pickles

  • - salt

  • - black pepper

  • - sour cream

  • - cheese

Instruction manual


First you need to take the flesh of beef, wash it and chop. If the pots are not very large, then the meat must be cut into small pieces.


Peel all vegetables. Cut the potatoes and zucchini into small cubes. Carrots and pickles need to be grated, finely chop the onion.


In each pot, first add beef, then potatoes with zucchini, chopped onions, grated carrots and pickles. Salt and pepper in each pot, pour water so that it covers a little more than half of the contents in each container.


Preheat the oven to 220 degrees. If the pots have lids, then cover them tightly with them. If there are no lids, then you can cover the pots with foil. Put them in the oven to stew for about 1 hour.


After we take out the pots from the oven, add 1 tablespoon of sour cream to each and rub a little cheese. Mix everything and put in the oven already with ajar lids for another 20-25 minutes.


When the cheese is melted, the pots can be taken out of the oven. For a creamy taste, before serving, put a small piece of butter in each pot.

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