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How to Make Pumpkin Puree with Mushrooms

How to Make Pumpkin Puree with Mushrooms
How to Make Pumpkin Puree with Mushrooms

Video: Gordon Ramsay's Pumpkin Soup With Wild Mushrooms 2024, June

Video: Gordon Ramsay's Pumpkin Soup With Wild Mushrooms 2024, June

We will not argue about the berry or vegetable pumpkin. Whatever you call it, it is available to everyone: it is perfectly stored in fresh and frozen form, it is always in stores, either whole or in halves, quarters and even slices. Many dishes are prepared from it. Bake whole in the oven, cut into slices, prepare side dishes, sweet cereals and sweet-spicy or neutral to taste soups. Soups are perhaps the most popular pumpkin dish. Try one of them!


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • Fresh or frozen pumpkin - 400 g;

  • Potato - 5 medium tubers;

  • Carrots - 1 pc.;

  • Tomato - 1 pc.;

  • Onions - 1 pc.;

  • Cream 10-20% fat - 100 ml;

  • Oil for frying. You can use both vegetable and cream;

  • Broth (chicken, meat, vegetable - any) or water - 500 ml;

  • Mushrooms (ideally chanterelles, but any other, fresh mushrooms, can do) - 400 g;

  • Salt, pepper to taste;

  • Spices to taste. It can be: a slice of chili pepper, cardamom, mint, ginger, saffron, nutmeg, curry;

  • Bread. From it, at will, you can make croutons.

Instruction manual


Washing vegetables and mushrooms. The peel of a tomato is crosswise cut from two sides: where was the stalk and from the opposite.



Dip the tomato in a boiling broth. Meanwhile, cut the remaining vegetables into cubes. Cook the tomato until the skin wrinkles. We take out a slotted spoon and place under a stream of cold water. The peel is easy to remove. Tomato without skin is again lowered into the broth.

Instead of one large tomato, you can add a few small cherry tomatoes. They taste great. Both fresh and dried will do. The latter after cooking can simply be thrown away. Do not cut the skin.



In the broth we place all other vegetables, except onions. We do not add water. Cook until soft. Salt, pepper, add spices to taste if necessary.



Fry the onion in a pan until slightly ruddy.



We cut the mushrooms and fry in another pan. Salt and pepper to taste. Fresh mushrooms are used in the recipe. They are always on sale and prepare quickly.


Ready vegetables are combined with fried onions, mixed and mashed with a blender.



In cream soup add cream, mix again, warm, but do not boil. The soup is ready.



In each plate we put a tablespoon of fried mushrooms and sprinkle with herbs if desired. You can also add croutons or use them instead of mushrooms.



Bon Appetit!


Pumpkins, shaped like a light bulb, most likely belong to nutmeg, that is, sweet varieties. This is especially felt in early autumn. However, when stored, the amount of sugar decreases. Pumpkin acquires a neutral taste, which is especially suitable for cooking soups and side dishes. In addition, pumpkin bulbs have a delicate pulp, without coarse fibers.

Useful advice

If the mass of pumpkin turned out to be more than indicated in the recipe, or carrots and potatoes are too large, you can add a little water during cooking. But they should not swim in it.

If you plant a pumpkin at your dacha, you can freeze the excess for the winter, cut into cubes and immediately spread into 400 g packets. Then, it will be very convenient to cook the soup in winter.

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