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How to Make Salmon Steak

How to Make Salmon Steak
How to Make Salmon Steak

Video: Honey Garlic Salmon Steaks | Salmon Recipe 2024, July

Video: Honey Garlic Salmon Steaks | Salmon Recipe 2024, July

Salmon is an unusually tender, tasty and healthy fish. Cooking salmon is very easy, while it is almost impossible to spoil it. Salmon steaks are usually fried in a skillet or on a grill, although you can cook them in other ways - including in an oven or a double boiler.


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You will need

  • For 4 salmon steaks:

  • - lemon

  • - salt, black or white pepper to taste,

  • - a pinch of paprika and saffron,

  • - 3 tablespoons of olive oil.
  • Additional ingredients
  • For salmon on a vegetable pillow:

  • - 4-5 medium-sized potatoes,

  • - medium-sized carrots,

  • - onion,

  • - 3 medium tomatoes,

  • - 100 grams of butter,

  • - 25 grams of dill (medium bunch).
  • For salmon in foil:

  • - 2 small tomatoes,

  • - baking foil.

Instruction manual


Salmon steaks are distinguished by a very delicate and at the same time rich taste, however, in order for the dish to succeed, it is important to choose the right fish. The fillet should be light orange, too bright or an excess of red indicates that the fish is most likely processed with dyes. The surface should look moist, but not shine - the shine speaks of processing with preservatives. If you touch the cut with your finger, it should be elastic and dense, and after pressing on the surface there should be hollows. Pay attention to the scales - it should not have yellowish-orange spots (they indicate that you have a spoiled fish). For cooking, you can buy whole salmon and cut it into slices about four to five centimeters thick, or purchase ready-made portioned pieces.



Pan-fried salmon steak

Pan-fried steaks are the most popular variety of this dish. They are prepared very quickly and simply, the whole process, including pickling, will take no more than half an hour. Rinse the fish under running water, pat dry with napkins and cut into steaks. Put them in a deep plate or bowl. Squeeze the juice from one lemon and pour them fish. Salt, add a pinch of saffron and paprika. Do not overdo it with spices - the delicate smell of salmon should not be "interrupted", but only slightly shaded, so you need to take a little bit of spices. Brush the steaks with olive oil and leave to marinate for 15-20 minutes.



Pour oil into a pan, heat well. Gently lower the steaks into the pan and "seal" them, frying over high heat for two minutes on each side. Turn the pieces of fish with tongs or a shovel very carefully so that the steaks do not fall apart.


Reduce heat, cover the pan with a sealed lid, and fry steaks for another 5-7 minutes. It is not worth increasing the time of the heat treatment - the salmon is cooked very quickly, and if the steaks are overexposed on the fire, they will become stiff. Quick roasting on both sides and “finishing” under the lid allows you to get the perfect fish - with a delicious crispy crust on the outside and delicate flesh inside.


Salmon steak - a la carte dish. Usually it is cooked strictly according to the number of eaters and served “with heat, with heat” - the cooled or reheated salmon loses much taste. You can garnish it with fresh vegetables, herbs, boiled or baked potatoes. When serving, pour steaks of red fish with lemon juice, classic creamy sauce, goes well with salmon and tartar sauce.



Oven salmon steak on a pillow of vegetables in the oven

Pour salmon steaks with lemon juice, sprinkle with salt and pepper and leave for 15-20 minutes. Wash and peel potatoes, carrots, onions and tomatoes. Cut root vegetables into medium sized pieces, onions into large rings, and tomatoes into slices. Chop the dill finely.



Grease a baking sheet or baking dish with butter, put prepared vegetables on it. Place the prepared salmon on top. On top of the steaks, put small pieces of butter and sprinkle with dill. Put in the oven, preheated to a temperature of 180 degrees. Bake salmon steaks on a vegetable pad for about 35 minutes.


Roasted salmon steak

You can cook portioned salmon in the oven and in foil - juicy baked fish will retain a maximum of useful properties. Fish steaks, as in the previous recipe, are aged 10-15 minutes with salt, black or white pepper and freshly squeezed lemon juice. Tomatoes are cut into plastics.



The foil is folded three to four times, after which a peculiar deep "boat" is formed from it. A little olive oil is poured into the bottom of the boat, a prepared steak is placed on top, and a few plates of tomato are placed on it. You can add a sprig of spicy greens. The "boats" are wrapped as tightly as possible on top: the juice that is released from the salmon should not leak and evaporate, so the foil should be sealed as tight as possible.


Steaks in foil are laid out on a wire rack or on a baking sheet and sent to the oven, preheated to 200 degrees for 30 minutes. You can serve them directly in the foil, gently unfurling the "boats" on top and bending the edges, or you can put the fish on plates, watering the juice formed during baking. As a side dish to the salmon prepared in this way, young boiled potatoes or rice are ideal.


If desired, the steaks in the foil can be baked with potatoes or other vegetables. In this case, they are finely cut and laid out in "boats" with the lower layer. The time spent in the oven in this case must be increased by 10-15 minutes.


Steamed Salmon Steaks

Salmon belongs to oily fish, so quite often it is cooked in a "light" diet option - steamed. Cooking steaks in a double boiler allows you to get tender, tasty, melting fish in your mouth without using additional fats. The salmon is prepared for a couple in an elementary way: the steaks grated with salt and seasonings and poured with lemon juice are aged for 5-10 minutes, after which they are laid out on a double-oiled lattice. Lemon slices are laid on top of the steaks, you can supplement them with sprigs of spicy greens. If the goal is not to get the most dietary dish with a minimum of calories - you can also grease salmon with low-fat sour cream.



A couple of salmon steaks reach readiness in 15 minutes (the countdown is from the moment the liquid boils). Put the finished dish on the plates very carefully - the fish cooked in this way is very tender and easily falls into pieces. Steamed salmon is usually served with boiled rice, couscous or potatoes; you can also garnish fish with green lettuce and fresh vegetables.

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