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How to make beetroot juice

How to make beetroot juice
How to make beetroot juice

Video: How to Make Beetroot Juice | Super Healthy Beet Juice 2024, June

Video: How to Make Beetroot Juice | Super Healthy Beet Juice 2024, June

The health benefits of vegetables have been known for a long time. Beets are one of the most useful root crops. It improves blood composition, cleanses the body, helps with colds and colds, and even in the treatment of malignant diseases. The most useful is her juice. Preparing beet juice is not difficult.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - Beets;

  • - juicer or grater.

Instruction manual


Take fresh beets, preferably oblong in shape and dark in color, you can with green tops, wash it well with a brush. Peel and cut. Grate the beets or pass through a juicer. Pass fresh tops through a juicer, there are a lot of useful substances in it.


Squeeze the juice from the grated beets through gauze or a linen cloth, strain the juice from the juicer. Since fresh beetroot juice contains toxic volatile substances, you should not drink it right away. Put an open glass with it for 2-3 hours in the refrigerator or just on the table so that they disappear, otherwise dizziness and nausea due to vasospasm cannot be avoided. Remove foam on the surface of the juice.


Start drinking beet juice half diluted with boiled water one spoonful, as it lowers pressure and has a strong laxative effect. As you get used to it, dilute it with carrot juice. Pure beet juice can be consumed no more than 150 g at a time up to 0.5 liters per day.


Prepare beet juice for long-term storage: add 5 g of citric acid per 1 liter of juice and pour it into prepared 0.5 l cans. Sterilize them for 10 minutes at a temperature of 85 degrees, then tighten.


Beetroot juice is useful for hypertension, improves the condition of the liver, effectively fights obesity, cleanses blood vessels.

Due to the high iodine content, beet juice improves memory.

Beets are useful in any form - raw, boiled, baked.

Useful advice

Choose beets, on the section of which there are no white veins, root crops are better to take medium-sized.

When choosing beets in a store, give preference to maroon varieties, in which the content of nutrients is higher.

Keep beets in the refrigerator in a sealed bag, so it is stored for up to 2 months.

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