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How to cook Bulgarian mackerel with wine sauce

How to cook Bulgarian mackerel with wine sauce
How to cook Bulgarian mackerel with wine sauce

Video: Скумрия на фурна с лимонов дресинг | Oven-Baked Mackerel with Lemon Dressing | Скумбрия с лимоном 2024, July

Video: Скумрия на фурна с лимонов дресинг | Oven-Baked Mackerel with Lemon Dressing | Скумбрия с лимоном 2024, July

Mackerel is a sea fish with a whole range of advantages. However, it is quite rare to find it on the festive table, it usually enters the daily menu and is prepared according to standard recipes. To spice up the dish with mackerel and surprise the guests with the original taste, you can cook it in Bulgarian using white dry wine.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • Mackerel fillet - 750 g;

  • Butter - 60 g;

  • Dry white wine - 200 ml;

  • Lemon - half 1 pc.;

  • Tomatoes - 300 g;

  • Champignons - 6-8 pcs.;

  • Onions - 1 pc.;

  • Parsley - 1 bunch;

  • Salt pepper.

Instruction manual


Mackerel fillet must be thoroughly washed and cut in portions. A small onion is rubbed on a coarse grater.


Champignons need to be thinly cut into slices. Tomatoes are peeled, to facilitate the process they can be treated with boiling water, then cut into circles.


A small bunch of parsley should be washed, dried and finely chopped. Half a lemon cut into slices.


After preparing the ingredients, you can proceed directly to the preparation of the dish. The baking sheet is greased with a small amount of butter. Portion slices of mackerel fillet are laid out in it. The rest of the oil is chopped into cubes and added to the fish.


Next, pour the mackerel with wine. After that, the rest of the ingredients are laid out on the fish: champignons, lemon slices and tomato slices. Salt and pepper are added to the dish.


The baking sheet is covered with foil and put in the oven, preheated to 170 degrees. Mackerel must be baked for 20-25 minutes. Before serving, fish should be sprinkled with onion, grated, and chopped herbs.

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