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How to cook cabbage soup from nettles

How to cook cabbage soup from nettles
How to cook cabbage soup from nettles

Video: Sorrel and Nettle cabbage soup / Book of recipes / Bon Appetit 2024, June

Video: Sorrel and Nettle cabbage soup / Book of recipes / Bon Appetit 2024, June

In the spring, you can cook unusually tasty and healthy cabbage soup from young green nettles, spinach and sorrel. In young leaves of nettle there is carotene, many vitamins and trace elements necessary for the body.


Pick your recipe


  • Nettle - 180 g;

  • Parsley roots - 15 g;

  • Onion turnip - 30 g;

  • Buckwheat groats - 50 g;

  • Rice - 50 g;

  • Sliced ​​potatoes 250 g;

  • Celery - 20 g;

  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs;

  • Sour cream - 50 g;

  • Greens;

  • Lemon juice;

  • Black pepper, salt.


  1. Young nettle is washed several times with running, cold water and for a short time laid in strongly boiling water. In this case, you must ensure that the nettle does not digest, otherwise it will turn into green mucus. After that, she is immediately thrown into a colander so that she does not have time to release all the juice, and finely chopped.

  2. Let's cook the broth. Rinse the meat well, be sure to pour cold water and put on a strong fire. When the water begins to boil, the fire must be reduced and the foam formed on top should be removed with a slotted spoon. In the process of cooking, you need to remove the newly emerging foam and rising fat. This is done so that for a long boiling time the broth does not acquire a disgusting taste of fat.

  3. In pre-cooked meat broth, pre-peeled potatoes are cut into neat slices.

  4. When the potatoes are boiled, the broth is removed from the heat, filtered and poured into other dishes. Shredded roots of parsley and celery, medium-sized chopped onions, washed cereals (until water is clear) are sent there and boiled for 15 minutes.

  5. Then spread the cooked nettle and simmer it in the broth for about 12 minutes.

  6. Finally, the cabbage soup is seasoned with lemon juice, garlic and chopped herbs.

Lemon juice can be replaced with tomato or cucumber pickle.

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