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How to make tenderness salad

How to make tenderness salad
How to make tenderness salad

Video: Italian Chicken and Rocket Salad with Balsamic Dressing | fr hello chef | alathesszky yummysalad 2024, July

Video: Italian Chicken and Rocket Salad with Balsamic Dressing | fr hello chef | alathesszky yummysalad 2024, July

Salad "Tenderness" - simple in execution, but at the same time very tasty and light dish. It is suitable for receiving guests, as well as for lunch or dinner with the family. And it is perfect for vegetarians.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • green apples - 2 pcs.,
    • cheese - 250 g
    • onions - 2 pcs.,
    • light mayonnaise - 100-150 g,
    • eggs - 4 pcs.

Instruction manual


Take onions and peel it. To prepare the Tenderness salad, white onion is best: it has less bitterness. Cut it into half rings and put in a bowl. Pour boiling water onion and leave for a few minutes. In this way, all the onion stinginess remains in the water. If you took a regular onion, it can be scalded with boiling water twice.


Take a deep salad bowl. The salad is prepared in layers, so it is desirable that the bottom is flat and of a sufficiently large diameter. Put the prepared onion in one layer on the bottom. Although the amount depends on how you feel about this vegetable. Lubricate the top with a little mayonnaise.


Wash and peel the apples. To prepare this salad, apples of green or yellow varieties are best suited: they have the necessary acidity. Very sweet apples are not good for this salad. Grate apples on a coarse grater and immediately put in a salad bowl on top of onions with mayonnaise. The layer should be 1.5 cm thick. Top with mayonnaise again.


Rub the cheese on a fine grater. It is better to grate the cheese immediately before you put it in the salad bowl so that it does not have time to crumple. It is better to take hard cheese, but not parmesan: its taste is too individual for the Tenderness salad. Grated cheese lay on a layer of apples, greased on top with mayonnaise.


Separate the whites from the yolks and rub them into different containers. First put a thin layer of protein in the salad bowl, grease it with mayonnaise, and sprinkle everything on top with yolk. The dish is ready, bon appetit!


If you took a transparent salad bowl to make a salad, you will need more lemon juice. To prevent apples from darkening and spoiling the appearance, sprinkle the apple layer with lemon juice.

Useful advice

As a rule, apples are juicy fruits. Therefore, to prevent the salad from spreading, it is best to do it immediately before serving or at least in the morning of the same day.

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