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How to make Cauliflower Salad

How to make Cauliflower Salad
How to make Cauliflower Salad

Video: Healthy Cauliflower Salad Recipe 2024, July

Video: Healthy Cauliflower Salad Recipe 2024, July

Cauliflower salad is a tasty and light dish that will appeal to lovers of vegetable snacks. Such a salad can be prepared all year round without compromising the family budget.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - 250 g of cauliflower (both fresh and frozen vegetables are suitable);

  • - 1 medium-sized cucumber;

  • - 3 tbsp. l canned corn;

  • - 100 g of natural yogurt;

  • - 2 tbsp. l sesame seeds;

  • - a couple of branches of dill;

  • - 1 tbsp. l lemon juice;

  • - 1 tbsp. l vegetable oil (it is recommended to use olive, but, since it is not for everyone, the addition of sunflower oil is quite acceptable);

  • - 1 clove of garlic;

  • - salt and spices to taste.

Instruction manual


First, boil water in a pan. Throw cauliflower into the boiling liquid and boil the vegetable for 5 minutes.


When the specified time comes out, catch the cabbage, cool, disassemble into small inflorescences.


Wash the cucumber, remove the inedible parts, cut into thin half rings.


Put the sesame seeds on a preheated frying pan without oil and fry it for a couple of minutes. Put the product in a separate bowl, combine with lemon juice and oil.


In the resulting composition, add natural yogurt, chopped garlic, chopped dill. Stir everything thoroughly - it turned out to be a cauliflower salad dressing.


In a convenient dish, combine the prepared foods: cauliflower and cucumber, add corn to vegetables. Add salad prepared dressing, mix everything thoroughly.


Before serving, the salad with cauliflower should be infused for a quarter of an hour. After which the dish can be eaten.


In the original recipe for dressing cauliflower salad, in addition to yogurt, tahini (sesame) paste is used, but buying it is not so simple. Therefore, we replace an expensive product with a mixture of oil, sesame seeds and lemon juice.

Useful advice

If you are preparing a salad of frozen cauliflower, then cook it according to the instructions on the packaging. The main thing is to ensure that the product does not turn into porridge. For a salad, you need thick cabbage.

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