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How to make sugar roses

How to make sugar roses
How to make sugar roses

Video: A Beginner's Guide to Sugar Flowers 2024, July

Video: A Beginner's Guide to Sugar Flowers 2024, July

When you need to quickly prepare a sweet dish for guests, baking sugar roses will come to your aid.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - 1 kg of flour;

  • - 1 liter of milk;

  • - 4 eggs;

  • - 1 pack of butter;

  • - 1 pack of yeast;

  • - salt;

  • - poppy

Instruction manual


First you need to warm the milk to 50 degrees. This is necessary so that the butter that we add later melts as soon as possible.


Then add the following ingredients to the milk: eggs, yeast, butter and sugar. The resulting mass must be thoroughly mixed with a whisk so that there are no lumps left.


Now you need to add the flour. First you can knead the mass with a whisk, but when the mass becomes denser, you need to knead the dough with your hands.


From the resulting dough, we roll out a layer that needs to be greased with oil, and also sprinkled with poppy seeds and sugar.


The resulting layer must be rolled up into a "snake". Then you need to cut it into several equal parts.


We turn all the parts in the form of roses, put on a baking sheet and bake for 30 minutes at a temperature of 250 degrees.

Useful advice

After baking, it is best to grease the roses with butter. So they will become soft and lush.

M.Yu. Vershinin, chef of the Belagio restaurant.

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