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How to make a Christmas duck

How to make a Christmas duck
How to make a Christmas duck

Video: Oven-Roasted Duck for the holidays! 2024, July

Video: Oven-Roasted Duck for the holidays! 2024, July

A duck will decorate your Christmas table no worse than a goose. You need a fairly large bird, and a delicious duck meat and a good recipe will undoubtedly lead to an excellent result.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • duck (2.5 kg);
    • 250 g of fresh cheese;
    • 220 g olives with seeds;
    • orange;
    • 30 g breadcrumbs;
    • 30 g of hard cheese;
    • caraway
    • salt.
    • For the sauce:
    • 1 cup chicken stock;
    • 3 cloves of garlic;
    • 1 cup red port;
    • 1 tbsp. l flour;
    • 2 tbsp. l butter.

Instruction manual


Gut the duck, remove the rest of the feathers. Take out the bones, leaving the humerus on top, the lower leg below. Remove bones through the neck, to do this, pull the soft tissue around the neck and, having selected the hyoid bone, remove it.


Open the shoulder joint, cross the ligaments without damaging the articular surfaces, and remove the clavicle and scapula (small bones of the wing from the humerus can be left). Separate the meat from the skeleton with a short sharp knife, removing it like a stocking to the thighs of a bird. Highlight the knee joint, hide it, cross the ligaments, remove the femur. Finish separating the meat from the skeleton completely.


Prepare the filling: cut the fresh white cheese into cubes, mash, separate the olives from the seeds and finely chop, remove the zest from the orange with a grater, separate the pulp from the films and crumble the pulp, then mix the ingredients. Try the mixture, if it is not salty enough, add the olives. Add breadcrumbs and grated hard cheese.


Rub the duck inside and out with salt, start with the prepared mixture, sew the holes on the side of the neck and tail, rub the breast of the duck with caraway seeds to remove the smell of duck fat.


Place the duck in a baking dish, pierce the carcass with a knitting needle in several places, preheat the oven to 180 ° C and bake for about one and a half hours. Cut into portions, serve with slices of orange and red wine.


Prepare the sauce: peel the garlic, cut it into thin plates, heat one tablespoon of butter in a pan and fry the garlic in it for two minutes. Pour in the port, bring to a boil and cook for five minutes. Then pour in the broth and keep on medium heat until the sauce volume is reduced by half.


Melt one tablespoon of butter and mix it with flour, add to the sauce and cook, stirring constantly, for one minute, then season the sauce with salt and pepper, serve hot in a separate bowl to the baked duck.

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