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How to cook smoked fish

How to cook smoked fish
How to cook smoked fish

Video: How to Cook Smoked Fish. 2024, July

Video: How to Cook Smoked Fish. 2024, July

Hot smoked fish cooks quickly enough, along with barbecue, this is an excellent dish for a picnic. Of course, in this case, you need a device for smoking: a smokehouse, air grill, a homemade smokehouse from a bucket. There is a way to smoke fish in a Russian oven … There are many options, the result is always excellent.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • For smoked fish in a cauldron:
    • 3 kg of fish;
    • 3 tbsp. l salts;
    • boiler;
    • juniper branches
    • alder or straw.
    • For smoked fish in aero grill:
    • mackerel (2-3 kg);
    • "liquid smoke";
    • salt.
    • For fish in the smokehouse:
    • 2-3 kg of fish;
    • 3 tbsp. l salts;
    • sawdust alder
    • juniper;
    • Bay leaf
    • spice.

Instruction manual


Smoked fish in a cauldron

Take fresh fish (whitefish, crucian carp, bream, perch, carp), clean, gut, wash, salt in brine. It can be salted even after smoking, but the fish salted before smoking is stored longer. Put the fish in a strong pickle for 30-40 minutes if the fish is medium in size. If you are going to smoke large fish, leave it in brine for 8 - 10 hours


Put the fish in a colander, drain the brine, wipe it dry with napkins, rub one tablespoon of salt with salt per one kilogram of fish, and lay it on the bottom of the boiler on juniper, alder or straw branches. Close the cauldron and set it on fire for about 30 minutes, until the fish is soft and browned. Remove the cover when the boiler has completely cooled.


Smoked fish in the air grill

Clean the mackerel from the insides, rinse thoroughly under running water, rub it well with salt on all sides, then grease with liquid smoke from the outside and inside, leave for half an hour. Tie a salted fish with twine so that it does not fall apart during smoking, put on the middle wire rack.


Set the temperature of the air grill to 180 ° C and the average fan speed in the smoking mode, smoke at these parameters for 25-30 minutes. Put the fish out of the air grill, let cool, wrap in foil and store in the refrigerator for no more than 3-5 days.


Smokehouse Fish

Take fresh fish, eel, bream, tench, cod, carp, river bass, burbot are good for smoking. Remove entrails, rinse and pickle. Salt can be salted both in brine and sprinkled with salt on each carcass inside and out (for one kilogram of fish one tablespoon of salt), leave to be salted for an hour if you have a small fish, about one kilogram of each carcass.


Rinse the fish with cold water just before smoking and wipe dry with a cloth. Add alder sawdust to the bottom of the smokehouse, add juniper to give the fish a golden color, put a bay leaf for flavor, place a baking sheet or pan over the sawdust as a pan for fat. Insert spices to your belly to taste.


Place the fish on the grill so that the carcasses do not touch each other, close the lid of the smokehouse and set it on fire. Smoke for 30-40 minutes, then remove the smokehouse from the fire, open the lid and allow the moisture to evaporate. Remove the fish, let it cool, store in the refrigerator, wrapping in foil, for 3-5 days.


Summer residents and tourists usually only use hot smoked, as the process is fast enough. Cold smoking can last several days and is a much more time-consuming process. You can smoke almost any meat or fish product. Preparation of products for smoking. You can smoke both fresh fish and salted prepared fish. Smoked fresh small fish "as is", without even gutting.

Useful advice

Cooking fish by hot smoking is carried out by smoke at temperatures above 60 ° C. For hot smoking, carp species (asp, bream, azan, czechon), sturgeon (stellate sturgeon, sturgeon, sterlet), cod (cod, haddock, burbot), salmon (chum, pink salmon), as well as eel, whitefish, minoog, herring, are suitable for hot smoking., smelt, halibut, herring, catfish and others. Then the fish is rubbed with dry salt or immersed in brine, washed again and, finally, smoked and cooled.

  • The doctrine of smoking
  • cook fish for smoking

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