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How to cook pilaf in Armenian

How to cook pilaf in Armenian
How to cook pilaf in Armenian

Video: How to Make Armenian Style Pilaf 2024, July

Video: How to Make Armenian Style Pilaf 2024, July

Armenian pilaf is prepared from beef meat, and for a unique taste and aroma, pomegranate grains, raisins and prunes are added to it. Preparing such a dish is not difficult at all; your household must love it.


Pick your recipe


  • 750-850 g of beef meat (pitted);

  • 2 large carrots;

  • prunes, pomegranate seeds and raisins - to taste;

  • 2 full glasses of rice cereal;

  • 2 garlic heads;

  • sunflower oil;

  • favorite spices and salt.


  1. It may seem strange to many that pilaf is cooked with beef, but for this recipe you need to use it. So, the beef should be thoroughly washed in running water and with the help of a sharp knife to remove existing films from it. Then the meat is cut into cubes of medium size of approximately the same size.

  2. A roasting pan should be prepared, which has rather thick walls and the same bottom, otherwise the dish may not work. Pour in such a roasting pan not a very large amount of sunflower oil (preferably odorless). After it is heated, pour the prepared meat.

  3. Beef should be fried with occasional stirring over medium heat until all of the juice that has been evaporated is evaporated.

  4. Carrots must be cleaned and thoroughly washed. Then, using a sharp knife, it must be cut into medium-sized cubes. If you grind carrots on a grater, then the dish will lose its unique taste.

  5. Pour a little oil into a separate pan and pour the chopped root crop there. After it is fried, combine it with meat and continue to fry them together over low heat for several minutes. Pour the necessary amount of salt and seasonings (oriental aromatic herbs, as well as spices, are perfect).

  6. Rice groats must be washed very thoroughly. Then it is laid out in an even layer on the meat with carrots. Next, pour so much clean water into the fryer so that it rises two fingers above the cereal.

  7. Cover the frypot with a lid and reduce heat to a minimum (it is necessary that the liquid boils only very slightly). Bring the pilaf to full readiness, while somewhere in the middle of the cooking process, add the heads of garlic to the pilaf, which must first be thoroughly washed, but not cleaned. And at the same time, all the necessary seasonings are poured. Washed prunes, raisins, as well as pomegranate seeds are added to the pilaf to taste during serving.

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