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How to cook lush cheesecakes: rules and secrets

How to cook lush cheesecakes: rules and secrets
How to cook lush cheesecakes: rules and secrets

Video: Egyptian Arabic cheesecake instructions 2024, July

Video: Egyptian Arabic cheesecake instructions 2024, July

The process of preparing delicious lush cheesecakes is not much different from baking ordinary ones. However, this business has its own nuances, without which you are unlikely to make curd cakes magnificent.


Pick your recipe

Important Rules

There are many recipes for lush cheesecakes. Some of them include the addition of soda or baking powder to the dough. These ingredients are really able to give the baking airiness, but do not go too far with them. So, an excess of soda will add a specific flavor to the dish, which can hardly be called pleasant.

That syrniki became air, do not be lazy to wipe cottage cheese through a sieve. Its consistency will become more uniform, and the dish will eventually acquire additional softness and juiciness.

Do not sprinkle a lot of flour into the dough. In this dish, it is necessary only so that the dough becomes dense and does not spread. The main note in the cheesecakes is cottage cheese, not flour! An excess of flour will make them harsh and completely lush.


Secrets of lush cheesecakes

Try replacing flour with semolina. With its help, the dish will turn out more appetizing and melting in the mouth. Just be sure to let the dough stand for 15 minutes so that the cereal can swell.

Soda can be added directly to the formed cheesecakes. After placing them in a pan, add a little bit of soda - the curd dough will instantly become more magnificent. Just do not overdo it with the quantity! Otherwise, the taste of the dish will be spoiled.

Choose not too greasy and preferably grainy cottage cheese, without unnecessary additives. The best option is a product with a fat content of 18%.

You can’t pour a lot of sugar into the dough, because when dissolved, it will make it liquidy, as a result - cheese cakes in their shape will resemble the sole.

Before sending them to the pan, wait for the frying oil to boil. Only its quantity should be minimal.

Do not be afraid to fantasize. In the curd dough, you can safely add banana, raisins, apple, vanilla with cinnamon or any dried fruits. You can cook cheesecakes not only in a pan, but also in a slow cooker, oven.


Step-by-step recipe for lush cheesecakes

You will need:

  • 100 g of flour;
  • 300 g of cottage cheese;
  • 1 tbsp. l Sahara;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 50 g of raisins;
  • salt to taste.


Rub the cottage cheese thoroughly with a sieve with small holes. Separate the yolks from the proteins. Beat the first with sugar, and the second with salt.

Rinse the raisins, dry it on a paper towel. Mix dried fruit with cottage cheese, beaten yolks and proteins, as well as flour. The mass must be uniform.

Spoon the curd dough and form a cheesecake with your hands. Roll it in flour and put in a pan with hot oil. Fry until browned on both sides. Put the finished cheesecakes on paper napkins to remove excess oil.

Serve syrniki on the table, sprinkling them with powdered sugar, pouring sour cream, jam or condensed milk. They are especially good when warm.

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