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How to make lush buns with sesame seeds and flax: a simple recipe

How to make lush buns with sesame seeds and flax: a simple recipe
How to make lush buns with sesame seeds and flax: a simple recipe

Video: БУЛОЧКИ ДЛЯ БУРГЕРОВ, рецепт приготовления домашних булочек для гамбургеров 2024, July

Video: БУЛОЧКИ ДЛЯ БУРГЕРОВ, рецепт приготовления домашних булочек для гамбургеров 2024, July

Useful buns with sesame seeds and flax seeds are a great alternative to cookies and all kinds of harmful sweets. This is especially true for sweet tooths dreaming of a slim figure. Moreover, buns cooked in the oven according to this simple recipe contain a minimum of calories.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - milk - 2 glasses

  • - flour - 5 glasses

  • - dry yeast - 1 tablespoon

  • - salt to taste

  • - chicken egg - 1 pc.

  • - flax - 2 tablespoons

  • - sesame seeds - 2 tablespoons

  • - oatmeal - 0.5 cups

  • vegetable oil - 1 \ 3 glasses

  • - sugar - 1 tablespoon

Instruction manual


To make the buns with sesame seeds and flax tasty and rich, you will need fresh, dry yeast, which must be diluted in warm milk with two glasses of sifted flour, adding sugar. Then send the dough to a warm place.



As soon as the dough begins to show obvious signs of life, pour oatmeal, sesame and flax seeds into it. Leave for five minutes. Then beat the egg, add vegetable oil, salt and mix well.



Now it was the turn of the remaining flour. Add it to the mixture and knead well. The dough should not be very cool. It should even stick a little to your hands. After all, one of the main secrets of a good test is not to shift flour.



To wander the dough a little more, send it again to a warm place. I usually turn the smallest gas camphor on the quietest fire and leave the dough close. Once the dough is doubled, you can start baking buns. There is another trick - I put the buns in the oven and leave it open for five minutes on the smallest fire. And then - according to the instructions.



Lubricate the mold with vegetable oil and spread the rolls a short distance from each other. As soon as the buns increase in volume, send them to the oven and bake at a temperature of 180 degrees 30 minutes.



Then take the buns out of the oven, grease them with milk or butter and cover with a napkin. After this procedure, yeast buns will not only be lush, but also very soft and tasty.


Lush buns with sesame seeds and linen are an excellent basis for improvisation. In the dough, you can add not only sesame and flax, but also pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds or other useful additives.

For ease of measuring the ingredients, I took as a basis for measuring a glass measuring 250 grams.

Useful advice

I harvest buns with sesame seeds and flax seeds for future use and store them in the freezer. They can be used instead of bread, and if you add honey or jam - a great option for tea.

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