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How to Make Liver Filling Pancakes

How to Make Liver Filling Pancakes
How to Make Liver Filling Pancakes

Video: Top 10 Crepes Fillings 2024, July

Video: Top 10 Crepes Fillings 2024, July

Many people associate pancakes with something sweet, but this is not entirely correct. After all, they can be prepared not only with different fillings, but also to change the ingredients of the dough themselves. I propose to bake liver pancakes with carrot and egg filling.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • For the test:

  • - chicken liver - 400-500 g;

  • - milk - 500 ml;

  • - flour - 3 tablespoons;

  • - salt - 0.5 teaspoon.

  • For filling:

  • - carrots - 3 pcs;

  • - onion - 3 pcs;

  • - eggs - 3 pcs;

  • - mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons.

Instruction manual


Peel onions and carrots and rinse thoroughly. Then chop the vegetables: first - finely chop in cubes; the second - grate with a grater, it is desirable to use a large one.


Place chopped onions in a pan with oil and fry. When it turns transparent, add grated carrots to it. Prepare this mixture until the carrot becomes rosy, that is, about 15 minutes.


Meanwhile, lay the chicken eggs in a pan with slightly salted water and set on fire. Boil them hard, then cool and grind with a grater. For this procedure, it is desirable to use the same grater as for carrots, that is, large.


Combine the following ingredients in one cup: fried onions and carrots, as well as chopped boiled eggs and mayonnaise. Mix everything thoroughly. Thus, we got the filling for future pancakes.


With chicken liver, do this: rinse thoroughly, cut into small pieces, then transfer to a food processor and chop. Then add flour, salt, milk and eggs to this mass. Stir the resulting mixture well. Do not touch the finished dough for 5-7 minutes.


From the resulting liver dough, bake pancakes, preferably thin.


Put the carrot and egg mixture on pancakes and evenly distribute it over the entire surface. Then roll them so that you get a roll. Liver Filling Pancakes Ready!

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