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How to Make Cat Tongue Cookies

How to Make Cat Tongue Cookies
How to Make Cat Tongue Cookies

Video: Cat's Tongue Cookies / Langue De Chat 2024, July

Video: Cat's Tongue Cookies / Langue De Chat 2024, July

The taste of this traditional Spanish thin shortbread cookie resembles a crispy waffle cone from ice cream.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • For 25 pieces:

  • - 50 g of oil;

  • - 2 medium protein;

  • - 60 g of powdered sugar;

  • - 60 g of flour.

Instruction manual


First of all, all ingredients should be at room temperature, so we take them out of the refrigerator in advance.


Butter, which should soften very well at room temperature (otherwise you get a grainy dough), beat with a whisk until the consistency of fudge. Sift the icing sugar, add to the butter and knead until a creamy texture.


Add the egg whites one at a time, mixing thoroughly. Remember: the mass must remain absolutely homogeneous.


Sift the flour and add to the rest of the ingredients, carefully kneading with a spatula. For a long time, again, should not be. We transfer the mass into a confectionery syringe.


Preheat the oven to 220 degrees and line the baking sheet with baking paper or parchment. Using a pastry syringe, we place the dough on a baking sheet with strips about 6 cm long at a decent distance from each other - the cookies will increase in size! Bake for 3 - 5 minutes until brown at the edges. Remove cookies from the pan only after cooling completely. Store in a tightly closed container.

Useful advice

Optionally, add vanilla or citrus zest to the dough.

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