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How to cook minced carrot cutlets

How to cook minced carrot cutlets
How to cook minced carrot cutlets

Video: Only 2 Carrots, 1 Potato and Some Meat ! Easy & Tasty Dinner Recipe 2024, July

Video: Only 2 Carrots, 1 Potato and Some Meat ! Easy & Tasty Dinner Recipe 2024, July

Carrot cutlets with minced meat are lighter and less high-calorie than usual. They have a light carrot flavor and a beautiful orange color. To prepare such a beauty is very simple and fast enough.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • -3 carrots

  • -400 g chicken breast

  • -2 eggs

  • -2 tbsp. l flour

  • -1 onion head

  • - salt, pepper and spices to taste

  • -vegetable oil

Instruction manual


To cook carrot cutlets, you must first cook the minced meat. Rinse the chicken breast, remove the bones, and cut the meat into small pieces. Scroll each piece through a meat grinder, transfer to a bowl, salt, pepper and mix.


Rinse the carrots in cool water, dry and cut into very fine straws. You can chop carrots in a combine, so it will be faster and better.


Peel the onion, wash, and then scroll through the meat grinder or chop finely.


To prevent carrot cutlets with minced meat from spreading and to be denser, but not “clogged”, thoroughly beat with a whisk until the eggs are whitened.


Mix the minced meat, carrots, eggs, flour and onions, mix thoroughly and form even round cutlets.


Pour the vegetable oil into the pan, heat it, and then put the patties in the pan and fry until cooked on both sides. Place the patties on a plate, add a side dish and serve. Cutlets can be served with sour cream and herbs.


If the cutlets spread, add a little starch.

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