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How to cook chicken with garlic and giblets

How to cook chicken with garlic and giblets
How to cook chicken with garlic and giblets

Video: Chicken Gizzard. Simple Recipe. 2024, July

Video: Chicken Gizzard. Simple Recipe. 2024, July

Whatever exotic and expensive dishes appear on our table, whole baked chicken is still considered a festive, delicious dish. Depending on your plans, this chicken can become both a dietary and an original dish with an unusual taste. There are many options for this wonderful dish. Bake a chicken stuffed with giblets and garlic.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • 1 chicken
    • chicken giblets (hearts
    • liver
    • stomachs)
    • 1-2 heads of garlic
    • parsley (if desired)
    • salt
    • pepper to taste
    • 150 ml olive oil
    • 250 g white bread

Instruction manual


It’s best, of course, to take fresh chicken - fresh meat will be more tender and more healthy. However, it is not scary if the chicken is frozen. Maybe, having looked into the freezer of your refrigerator, you thought about a delicious chicken that smells like garlic and is covered with a crisp? Then - put the carcass to defrost. In the meantime, get down to cooking the toppings.


Take the giblets that were inside the chicken, or maybe you bought them in advance? Then there will be more toppings. Rinse them well. Put cooked offal and softened bread crumb into a blender bowl (you may be using warm milk or boiled water for this). Peel a few cloves of garlic and add them to the future filling. Some housewives add finely chopped greens to the filling. Focus on your taste, but, as a rule, in this case use parsley or a little thyme. Grind all components into a homogeneous mass. Now your filling should be salt and pepper to your taste. Add a little olive oil to it and mix everything. You should get a filling that is convenient to mix and form a ball, like from a dough.


Put the stuffing in the prepared chicken. The hole can be stabbed with small cooking skewers or toothpicks. If they were not at hand, you can use the grandmother's way - take a harsh thread and a large needle and simply sew up your chicken. Insert the ends of the wings into small incisions on the carcass, tie the legs together.


Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. While the oven is warming, coat the chicken with olive oil. To add aroma and pungent taste, squeeze a couple of garlic cloves into a bowl with olive oil, then the crust will be even more delicious. Salt and pepper can be added to the mixture for coating, and you can add salt and pepper to the carcass during the frying process.

Your chicken with garlic and giblets will be baked for about an hour. To test readiness, pierce the chicken with a sharp thin stick. You can make a puncture with a fork or knife. If pinkish juice flows from the puncture - the chicken is not ready yet, leave it to bake for a while.


From the finished chicken, remove the threads and skewers. Serve chicken with garlic and giblets on a large warm dish. Boiled potatoes or vegetable salad are ideal as a side dish. By the way, if you boil potatoes and lay it around the chicken on a baking sheet a few minutes before the bird is ready, then the potato slices will be saturated with an amazingly fragrant chicken smell.


Be careful - make sure that your gallbladder does not get into your filling. Often he is in a bag with giblets lying inside the chicken. Take it out carefully - if it bursts, all the meat will become bitter.

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