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How to Make Strawberry Cake with Basil

How to Make Strawberry Cake with Basil
How to Make Strawberry Cake with Basil

Video: DELICIOUS Strawberry Basil Cake Recipe!! With Strawberry Cake, Basil Filling & Whipped Cream! 2024, July

Video: DELICIOUS Strawberry Basil Cake Recipe!! With Strawberry Cake, Basil Filling & Whipped Cream! 2024, July

Cakes are pastries made with sweet dough stuffed and decorated with cream. In the national cuisine of any country, you can find dozens, even hundreds of different recipes for cakes: biscuit or puff, with fruits, nuts, all kinds of creams and flavors. There are so many cooking options that even the most beloved sweet tooth cannot afford to try them all. Preparing strawberry cake with basil is simple, for this you need to know the recipe and perform all the steps accurately.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • For the test:
    • 500 g flour;
    • 1 egg
    • 4 tbsp. l powdered sugar;
    • 350 g butter;
    • 4 tbsp. l of water.
    • For cream:
    • 6 egg yolks;
    • 150 g of sugar;
    • 50 g of flour;
    • a pinch of salt;
    • 2 tbsp of milk;
    • vanilla pod;
    • a bunch of basil.

Instruction manual


Sift flour through a sieve two or three times and put a slide on a table. In the middle, make a small "well", add the broken egg, icing sugar, butter and pour in ice water. Put a bottle of mineral water in the freezer first.


Then combine all the ingredients, mix well, immediately knead the dough. When it becomes homogeneous and soft, roll it into a ball, wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for twenty to thirty minutes.


After the time has passed, take out the chilled dough, roll it out on a flour dusted surface. Put it in a greased form, cover with baking paper, and press lightly on top. Use beans, beans or special stones as oppression.


Then place the mold in an oven preheated to 220 degrees. Bake the cake for fifteen to twenty minutes until golden brown. Then carefully remove it and let cool on the grill.


Prepare the cream at this time. Separate the yolks from the proteins, mix them with sugar and beat well. Mix the flour with salt, gradually pour it into the yolks, stirring constantly.


In the milk, put the vanilla bean, bring to a boil, turn off, let stand for ten minutes. Then pour a thin stream of milk into the yolks, continuously whipping.


Pour the cream into a deep pan, and stirring very actively, bring to a boil over medium heat. Reduce heat, cook for a couple of minutes. After this, strain it through a fine sieve and set to cool.


At the very end, in a cooling, but still quite hot cream, add basil leaves sliced ​​into thin strips. Be sure to stir it periodically to avoid film formation.


On a cooled cake, apply cream, tightly lay the berries. Cut off their tails so that they are conveniently placed vertically. Bon Appetit!

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