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How to cook kohlrabi cabbage

How to cook kohlrabi cabbage
How to cook kohlrabi cabbage

Video: Easy Kohlrabi Recipe Indian - How To cook Kohlrabi 2024, June

Video: Easy Kohlrabi Recipe Indian - How To cook Kohlrabi 2024, June

The word "kohlrabi" is translated from German as "cabbage turnip". This cabbage is more useful than cauliflower and white cabbage. It has a lot of vitamins (especially vitamin C), proteins, carbohydrates, mineral salts, and calcium contains as much as in milk, cheese and eggs. For cooking, use the thickened spherical lower part of the kohlrabi stem. The most delicious are young stalklods; the grown ones are more rude in taste. The kohlrabi stalks are boiled, baked, fried and even dried.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • To make kohlrabi vegetable soup:
    • 500 g kohlrabi;
    • 100 g carrots;
    • 75 g turnip;
    • 250 g of potatoes;
    • 50 g leeks;
    • 50 g of onion;
    • 25 g celery root;
    • 125 g cream or sour cream;
    • 50 g of salad or spinach;
    • 75 g of tomato puree;
    • 50 g butter;
    • vegetable oil
    • salt
    • parsley to taste.
    • To make kohlrabi salad:
    • 400 g kohlrabi;
    • 200 g carrots;
    • 1 apple
    • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice;
    • 150 g sour cream;
    • salt to taste.

Instruction manual


Wash kohlrabi, cut leaves, peel the stem. Remove the skin from the root and base of the leaf and wash the vegetable again under running water.


Peel, wash and slice carrots, parsley, turnips, celery and onions. Sasser them in vegetable oil by adding tomato puree.


Boil water, cut the kohlrabi into slices and throw them in a saucepan with boiling water. Bring the water to a boil, cook the cabbage for 1-2 minutes, then take it out and drop it onto a sieve or colander.


Wash and peel the potatoes. Cut it into cubes. Throw them into boiling water (in which kohlrabi was boiled). Then add sautéed vegetables. Boil the soup on low heat for 20 minutes.


Put finely chopped spinach (or salad) and leek in the kohlrabi soup 5 minutes before cooking. At the end of cooking, add boiled slices of kohlrabi to the soup. They can be served separately, as a second course.


Serve kohlrabi soup on the table, seasoned with sour cream or cream and finely chopped fresh parsley.


Make a kohlrabi vitamin salad. Peel the cabbage, carrots and apple from the skin, remove the core from the apple. Grate the vegetables on a coarse grater.


Add salt, lemon juice and sour cream and mix everything. Put the salad on a plate and serve.


Young leaves of kohlrabi can be used as greens by adding to salad. Old leaves must first be stewed and passed through a meat grinder or chopped in a blender.

how is kohlrabi

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