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How to Make Veal Goulash

How to Make Veal Goulash
How to Make Veal Goulash

Video: Beef Goulash - Hungarian Beef Goulash Recipe - Paprika Beef Stew 2024, July

Video: Beef Goulash - Hungarian Beef Goulash Recipe - Paprika Beef Stew 2024, July

Goulash - national Hungarian dishes, stewed beef or veal with vegetables and lard. Spicy and aromatic meat with sauce, this is a very appetizing and beautiful dish.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • For veal goulash:
    • 500 g of veal;
    • 2 tbsp wheat flour;
    • 2 tbsp olive oil;
    • 2 heads of white onion;
    • 2 cloves of garlic;
    • 1 tbsp ground caraway seeds;
    • 1 tbsp sweet paprika;
    • 400 g canned chopped tomatoes;
    • 2 carrots;
    • 2 sweet peppers;
    • 1 cup beef broth;
    • 150 ml of dry red wine;
    • 0.5 tbsp. sour cream;
    • parsley.
    • For goulash with mushrooms:
    • 300 g of veal;
    • 2-3 tbsp vegetable oil;
    • salt;
    • pepper;
    • sweet red capsicum;
    • 1/2 tbsp. hot water;
    • 1/2 tbsp. red wine;
    • 2 red bell peppers;
    • 2 green bell peppers;
    • 2 onion heads;
    • 100 g of champignons.

Instruction manual


Veal goulash

Wash the veal with cold water, dry it with paper towels, cut into small pieces, about 2.5-3 centimeters long, put the meat in a bowl, pour the flour, thoroughly roll the meat in the flour on all sides.


Take a frying pan with high sides, pour 1 tablespoon of olive oil on the bottom, put on fire, heat, reduce heat to medium, put the meat in the pan and fry until brown, if all half a pound of veal does not fit into the pan, then fry in portions - so even better. Put the fried meat in a separate bowl.


Wash, peel and finely chop the onion, finely chop the garlic, pour more oil in the pan, fry the onion, garlic for 2 minutes, add paprika and caraway seeds, cook for another 3-4 minutes, not forgetting to stir constantly. Wash, peel the carrots, cut into strips, wash and chop the sweet pepper into thin strips, chop the tomatoes, add vegetables and meat to the onion and spices, cover the pan with a lid, simmer for 10 minutes.


Add the broth and red wine, salt, pepper, mix well, close the lid again and cook on a very, very small fire 1.15-1.30. Add half a glass of sour cream for 10 minutes until cooked, serve, sprinkled with chopped parsley.


Goulash with mushrooms

Wash the veal in cold running water, dry with paper towels, cut into small cubes, with a side of 2-3 centimeters. Pour the vegetable oil into a deep pan, heat, put the meat in the pan, salt, pepper, mix, lightly fry.


Wash, finely chop the peppers, add to the meat, mix, pour hot water and wine, simmer the meat for 30-45 minutes, making sure that the meat is covered with liquid all the time and adding water as needed.


Wash the bell pepper, cut in half, remove partitions and seeds, cuttings. Wash the mushrooms, finely chop, fry, add to the goulash, wash and peel the onions, cut into thin strips, chop the pepper into strips, add to the meat and simmer for another 20-30 minutes. Salt, pepper if necessary, serve, sprinkled with finely chopped parsley.

Veal goulash

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