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How to cook mushroom noodles

How to cook mushroom noodles
How to cook mushroom noodles

Video: Asian Mushroom Noodles landscape 2024, July

Video: Asian Mushroom Noodles landscape 2024, July

Someone prefers fresh mushrooms in their own broth, but someone thinks that dried mushrooms give the broth a very special flavor that a freshly cut mushroom cannot give. With any method of preparation, the white mushroom does not change their inherent color and aroma. Mushroom soup of dried porcini mushrooms with homemade noodles will cheer you up, warm and saturate for a long time.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - 70 g of dried porcini mushrooms;

  • - 2 cloves of garlic;

  • - 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;

  • - 1/2 bay leaf;

  • - green onions;

  • - large frozen (fresh porcini mushroom);

  • - salt
  • For egg noodles:

  • - 200 g of flour;

  • - an egg;

  • - 50 ml of water;

  • - salt
  • For lean noodles:

  • - 80 g of water;

  • - 1.5 cups flour;

  • - 1/3 teaspoon of salt

Instruction manual


Rinse the dried mushrooms thoroughly, changing the water several times. Soak in cold water for 15 minutes. Then pour mushrooms with 2.5 liters of water, cook over low heat for about 40 minutes.


The porcini mushroom broth turns out to be rich, saturated, brown in color with a unique aroma.


10 minutes before the end of the boil add bay leaf and finely chopped garlic. Strain the broth.


Make noodles. Knead a cool, elastic dough. Do not forget to salt it a little. To swell gluten, let the dough stand for 25-30 minutes, covering it with cellophane or a bowl.


Roll and chop thin noodles. In this case, egg noodles are used, but nothing prevents cooking a special dish with lean noodles, for which the dough is kneaded only on water.


Dry the noodles slightly (about 10 minutes) and boil in plenty of salted water for 7-10 minutes.


If there are too many prepared noodles, sift it through a colander or sieve, getting rid of excess flour and store in a plastic bag (paper).


Large or frozen mushroom, chop coarsely and fry in vegetable oil. Salt. Finely chop the green onion.


Arrange the boiled noodles on plates, fill with mushroom broth. Add the fried mushroom and chopped onions.


As a decoration and for the sake of feeling elastic crunchiness, put a fresh mushroom on top or, if not season, freshly frozen.

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