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How to Cook Stuffed Potatoes with Egg and Bacon

How to Cook Stuffed Potatoes with Egg and Bacon
How to Cook Stuffed Potatoes with Egg and Bacon

Video: Twice Baked Potato with Egg on Top 2024, July

Video: Twice Baked Potato with Egg on Top 2024, July

Potato is a simple product, but the dishes from it are so tasty and varied that I want to come up with new recipes again and again. One of the very simple and incredibly delicious dishes is potatoes stuffed with eggs and bacon, which is suitable for breakfast and for a party as a snack.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - 4 large-sized potatoes;

  • - 4 eggs;

  • - 20 g of butter;

  • - 125 g of bacon;

  • - 50 g of parmesan (or any other grated cheese);

  • - salt and pepper to taste;

  • - a pair of branches of any greenery for decoration;

  • - olive oil.

Instruction manual


Boil potatoes in their uniforms or bake in foil in a preheated oven to 200C until tender.


While the potatoes are cooling, cut the bacon into pieces and fry without oil until golden brown.


Cut the upper part from the potatoes, carefully cut the core and begin to lay out the filling in the following order: butter, salt and pepper, bacon, half cheese, egg and a little bacon again. Sprinkle potatoes stuffed with the remaining cheese and send to the oven preheated to 200C for 15-20 minutes. Before serving, decorate potatoes with greens.

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