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How to Make Yeast Pancakes

How to Make Yeast Pancakes
How to Make Yeast Pancakes

Video: RUSSIAN YEAST PANCAKES/ OLADUSHKI │The Experiment Kitchen ™ 2024, June

Video: RUSSIAN YEAST PANCAKES/ OLADUSHKI │The Experiment Kitchen ™ 2024, June

Pancake is considered the first product made from flour. In the kitchens of many nations, you can find its analogue. But the most famous variety is Russian yeast. From time immemorial, neither a holiday table nor a funeral party has been complete without pancakes. They baked them from yeast dough, with different flour. Served to the table with various side dishes and fillings. Russian cuisine has several dozen cooking options for pancakes (custard, meatless, rich, seasoned and others). Yeast are divided into steamed (the most time-consuming) and non-steamed (fast).


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • Steamed yeast pancakes:
    • 50 g of fresh yeast;
    • 250 g cream;
    • 600 ml of milk;
    • 1.2 kg of flour;
    • 150 g butter;
    • 2 tbsp Sahara;
    • salt.
    • Fast yeast pancakes:
    • 30 g of fresh yeast;
    • 500 g flour;
    • 1 liter of milk;
    • 2-3 eggs;
    • ¼ Art. vegetable oil;
    • 2 tbsp butter;
    • 1 tbsp Sahara;
    • salt.

Instruction manual


Steamed Yeast Pancakes Heat the milk. Sift flour through a sieve.


Stir in the milk 600 grams of flour and all the yeast. Cover with a napkin and remove the dough in a warm place without drafts. Leave to raise for 1 hour.


Rub the yolks with sugar, salt and butter. If before this the eggs were in the cold, then lay them out before use and let them warm to room temperature. Add them to the finished dough.


Pour in the remaining flour. Stir the dough thoroughly. Store in a warm place for 40 minutes to make it fit well.


Beat egg whites and cream separately. Add them to the dough one by one. Stir and bake for 10 minutes. After this, do not mix while baking.


Preheat the pan. Lubricate it with vegetable oil using a brush or sterile bandage.


Scoop the dough from the bottom up. Pour into the middle of the pan, allow to spread.


As soon as the surface of the pancake dries, turn it over.


Put the finished pancakes in a stack, smearing with butter. Serve them hot.


Quick Yeast Pancakes Heat a little milk. Add eggs, sugar, salt and yeast. Mix thoroughly, in no case whipping. Leave the mixture for 20 minutes.


Add butter and vegetable oil, stirring constantly. Quickly do not need to interfere.


Pour the sifted flour into the mixture gradually. While adding, gently stir. The consistency of the dough should look like regular sour cream. Place the container with the dough in a warm place for 1 hour. After bake.

Useful advice

If you use dry yeast instead of fresh yeast, you can find the right amount on the package based on the amount of flour used.

So that the pancakes do not cool, you can put them on a dish by placing it in a preheated oven (up to about 100 degrees C).

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