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How to cook Botvini

How to cook Botvini
How to cook Botvini

Video: Lithuanian cold borsch / Šaltibarščiai 2024, July

Video: Lithuanian cold borsch / Šaltibarščiai 2024, July

Botvigna is a Russian dish related to cold soups, which are cooked on kvass, vegetable decoctions, infusions from beets, sorrel or kefir. Botvigne is very good in the summer heat, it tastes much lighter than okroshka and has an amazing refreshing effect.


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You will need

  • To prepare the tops:
  • Fish (pike perch, cod, sturgeon or beluga) 300 grams, shrimp 20 g, bread kvass 1200 milliliters, spinach 100 grams, sorrel 200 grams, fresh cucumbers 4 pieces, salad 150 grams, horseradish root 1 piece, 1 tablespoon sugar, lemon zest, chives, dill.
  • For kvass:
  • For 1 liter of kvass, 40 grams of rye bread, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 1.5 grams of yeast and 6 glasses of water are needed.

Instruction manual


Cooking kvass. Cut the brown bread into slices and fry until brown, then pour the hot boiled water and insist for four hours. Filter the resulting infusion, add yeast and sugar (diluted previously), and put in a warm place for 8 hours. Filter kvass and put it in the cold.


We cut the fish on a fillet with skin without bones, peel the shrimp, cut into portions, cook and cool.


Boil the cooked spinach and sorrel and wipe. We combine the resulting mashed potatoes from spinach and sorrel, put salt, sugar, lemon zest and dilute with kvass.


Cut into strips cucumbers. Grated horseradish, chop the onion and add to the main mixture. When serving, put a piece of fish and shrimp in the soup and sprinkle with chopped herbs.


Cold soups should be served at a temperature not exceeding 15oC.

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