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How to cook Bulgarian chorba

How to cook Bulgarian chorba
How to cook Bulgarian chorba

Video: How to cook Bob Chorba (The Bulgarian dish) 2024, July

Video: How to cook Bob Chorba (The Bulgarian dish) 2024, July

Chorba is a popular traditional thick soup that is equally loved in Moldova, Turkey, Albania, Serbia, the Balkans. There are many different recipes with meat, fish, but the simplest and most beloved in Bulgaria is chorba made from green young green beans.


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You will need

400 g of green beans, 30 ml of vegetable and butter, 200 g of onions, 200 g of tomatoes, herbs, red ground pepper, 1 tbsp. flour, 100 g walnuts

Instruction manual


The proposed recipe does not contain meat ingredients, but this does not make it less satisfying. First of all, green beans are boiled until half ready. It is removed from the broth, but the liquid remains after cooking. She will be the basis of the soup - Chorba. Butter is needed to fry the beans in a pan. After frying, it again falls into the broth.


Onions are chopped finely and also passaged, but in vegetable oil. Chopped green onions are added to it. In Bulgaria, it is customary to fry green onions. After the onions are ready, flour is added, since the real chorba usually looks like a soup puree. Thick onion-powdery mixture is also sent to the pot with vegetable broth. Everything is thoroughly mixed.


Chorba can be cooked without tomatoes, but if they are expected, they are finely cut and sent to the broth for cooking. You do not need to fry them. The final touch in this dish is spices (hot red pepper, garlic), herbs (dill, parsley) and chopped walnuts. Nuts can be added at the end, or they can be fried in butter along with beans.

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