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How to make spring roll pancakes

How to make spring roll pancakes
How to make spring roll pancakes

Video: How to make spring Rolls wrappers or sheets (quick and easy way) 2024, July

Video: How to make spring Rolls wrappers or sheets (quick and easy way) 2024, July

Of course, such pancakes are ready-made, you can buy in any Asian store, but if you like to do everything yourself, why not experiment a bit?


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - 350 ml of water;

  • - 400 g flour;

  • - 1 tbsp vegetable oil;

  • - 0.5 tsp salt.

Instruction manual


Spring rolls can be prepared from ordinary flour and rice. We will use ordinary, premium wheat. We will prepare the dough in the processor - this saves a lot of time. But all the manipulations can be done manually!


Pour flour into the mixer bowl, add salt and vegetable oil, water, mix everything until a dough is formed. Then fill it with a glass of water so that the whole dough is covered and leave for 10 hours (I leave it overnight).


After a specified period of time, drain the water and knead with a mixer at medium speed for about 10-15 minutes. It will take a little longer to knead the dough manually: the finished dough is behind the walls.


We put a good non-stick pan on medium heat and heat it. We do not need to lubricate it with oil. Next, we make the fire minimal - we in no case need a strong heat!


We take a lump of dough and apply it to the surface of the pan, slightly pressing and smearing, so that a trace remains. We take a spatula and carefully smooth out all the bumps in the print.


At this point, the dough begins to dry. As soon as we see that it has already dried up around the edges, we begin to gently pry it off with a spatula. So gradually remove the whole pancake from the pan and wrap any suitable favorite filling!

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