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How to cook a steak with blood

How to cook a steak with blood
How to cook a steak with blood

Video: How to Make Bloody Steak : Steak Recipes 2024, July

Video: How to Make Bloody Steak : Steak Recipes 2024, July

A steak with blood, or a steak can have three degrees of roasting. These are blue, rare and medium rare. The easiest way to determine the required readiness of the steak using a culinary thermometer, but without it it is quite possible to achieve the desired result.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • steak
    • olive oil
    • clove of garlic
    • sprig of grass (thyme
    • rosemary
    • parsley to taste)
    • salt
    • pepper
    • ribeye steak butter

Instruction manual


Prepare the meat. For a steak with blood, never use frozen beef, but only chilled. The steak is taken out of the refrigerator in advance and allowed to mature at room temperature. But in no case do not beat the meat, as it will lose both its structure and juiciness.


Take out a heavy pan with a thick bottom; cast iron cookware is ideal. Prepare special meat tongs to turn it over quickly and safely. Mix in a bowl sea salt and freshly ground black pepper.


Put the pan on moderate heat and heat. Peel and crush the garlic clove on the cutting board flat with the side of the blade of a wide knife. Rinse and dry herbs in advance and dry. Pour oil into the dishes, heat, add garlic and a sprig of grass. In the steak, lightly patting a little salt and pepper. Never salt meat in advance - it will give juice, and the dish will be hopelessly spoiled. If you do not have fresh herbs, cover the steak dry, but then do not pour the vegetable oil into the pan, but apply it with a kitty on the surface of the meat.


Put the steak in a pan and fry for several minutes on each side. Cooking time depends on the degree of roasting you want to get a steak. Blue (BL), also known as Pittsburgh chicken or English-style steak, is fried on very hot dishes for less than a minute, until a thin brown crust is obtained. It turns seared outside and cool inside. When in foreign films they order meat “to mumble” or “bloody as hell”, it means a steak of exactly that degree of roasting. The temperature inside such a piece of meat is about 45 ° C.


Rare - with such a degree of roasting inside the steak, the temperature is about 52 ° C. This steak is fried for a minute on each side. It is red and slightly warm inside. Medium rare - the most common degree of roasting a steak with blood, the temperature of such a steak inside is about 55 ° C. It is fried for 1 ½ - 2 minutes on each side, or if you have a grill pan and you want a beautiful lattice, then this time is divided in half and the steak is turned over several times so that the lattice is printed on each side twice, perpendicular to each other.


If you are frying a lean steak such as ribeye, melt a little butter in a saucepan at the same time and pour it over the steak during cooking. Also, lean filet mignon is never cooked with blood at all.


Put the cooked beef steak on a plate and let it rest for 5 minutes. If desired, cut off excess fat from the steak. Fry steaks one at a time. Serve the steaks garnished with vegetables and sauce.


Immediately after serving, the steak should be cut in half to stop the cooking process taking place under a hot crust.

Useful advice

Experienced chefs check the degree of readiness of the steak not cutting, but pressing with your fingers. The meat with blood is soft, medium-deep — slightly elastic, well-done — much harder.

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