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How to Cook Eggplant In Manto

How to Cook Eggplant In Manto
How to Cook Eggplant In Manto

Video: Borani Banjan Restaurant Style برانی بادنجان به سبک رستورانت Eggplant Recipe 2024, July

Video: Borani Banjan Restaurant Style برانی بادنجان به سبک رستورانت Eggplant Recipe 2024, July

Eggplant can be made much more than it seems. For example, a very tasty and original appetizer - eggplant "In mantle".


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - thin eggplant - 1 pc;

  • - hard cheese - 50 g;

  • - carrots - 1 pc;

  • - garlic - 1 clove;

  • - minced meat - 300 g;

  • - onion - 1 pc;

  • - eggs - 1 pc;

  • - salt;

  • - pepper.

Instruction manual


Rinse the eggplant thoroughly and make a few punctures in different places with a fork. In this form, send it to the oven and bake until fully cooked. Then cool and cut along.


In the meantime, wash and peel the carrots. Take a coarse grater and chop the given vegetable on it. Put the grated carrots in a pan and simmer until it becomes soft. Then cool.


Grind hard cheese, preferably large. Then mix it with the following ingredients: stewed carrots, grated garlic and finely chopped parsley. Mix everything thoroughly. Thus, the filling was obtained. Put it in the sliced ​​eggplant.


Combine ingredients such as minced meat, egg, salt, pepper and onion in a blender. Grind this mixture. Put it on the cling film so that it is evenly distributed over it. Place stuffed eggplant on the stuffing mass. Gently lift and connect the edges of the film. The result should be a kind of roll.


Remove the film, and put the resulting roll on a greased baking sheet and send to the oven, which is heated to a temperature of 180 degrees. The readiness of the dish can be determined by golden brown. Eggplant "In the mantle" is ready!

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