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How to brew tea

How to brew tea
How to brew tea

Video: How to brew a perfect cup of tea with loose tea, by Tea Taster Dominic Marriot 2024, July

Video: How to brew a perfect cup of tea with loose tea, by Tea Taster Dominic Marriot 2024, July

For some of us, the question of how to brew tea has never been right - just take a tea bag and pour boiling water over it. Such people do not even imagine what kind of pleasure they are depriving themselves of, because real tea is not only a tasty and aromatic drink, but also a whole philosophy. No wonder many nations have their own traditional methods of brewing tea - real tea ceremonies. However, in all of them there are several key rules that will help to maximize the properties of this drink.


Pick your recipe

Instruction manual


Any properly brewed tea begins with good water. Do not even use distilled water poured from the tap, it has already been treated with chemicals and will hopelessly kill the aroma of tea. If it is not possible to use well or spring water, buy bottled water.


Neither black nor green tea is brewed with boiling water. Green tea is brewed with boiled water, cooled to 75-80 ° C. Black tea is poured with boiling water when there is a characteristic noise of bubbles bursting on the surface, the so-called "white key".


For brewing any tea, preference is given to porcelain or ceramic teapots, which hold heat well and do not allow the drink to “swirl”. It is completely undesirable to use metal teapots. Before you pour tea inside, the teapot must be rinsed with boiling water to warm it and eliminate odors.


The amount of tea depends on the volume of the teapot - black tea is placed on a teaspoon in a glass and one more on top, green one and a half times more.


Pour water into the teapot by two-thirds, close it with a lid, and after three to four minutes add to the end. To mix all layers of tea infusion, it is recommended to pour it three times into a cup, the contents of which are then drained back.


Drinking tea is also better from porcelain or ceramic cups and mugs. In order to better feel the taste and aroma of tea, you need to eat sweets "in the bite", it is better not to pour sugar into a cup. Tea is not poured into cups to the brim, leaving a place so that the aroma does not disappear.

Useful advice

Store tea in a tightly sealed container, it is very sensitive to odors and immediately absorbs them.

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