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How to make a menu for schoolchildren

How to make a menu for schoolchildren
How to make a menu for schoolchildren

Video: Akina Shrestha: Health and nutritional status of schoolchildren 2024, June

Video: Akina Shrestha: Health and nutritional status of schoolchildren 2024, June

The rhythm of the student’s life is very intense - every day during his studies he receives new information, remembers, thinks, and spends active time at breaks and physical education lessons. And also the efforts spent by some in additional sections and circles. That is why during this period it is especially important to provide the child with nutritious nutrition. After all, it is from the products that he receives the energy he needs.


Pick your recipe

Instruction manual


Make sure that the student eats on time. At this age, it is especially important not to skip breakfast, lunch and dinner, which should take place at about the same time. A schoolboy needs snacks, as a growing body needs more nutrients.


Make the school’s menu in such a way that 40% of it is occupied by carbohydrates - they are the source of energy that children especially need. 30% should be given protein foods. A little less - useful fats, which the child should receive from dairy products, cereals, vegetable oil and fish. And, of course, do not forget about vitamins, the sources of which are fruits and vegetables. The latter also contain fiber, which will contribute to good digestion.


To prevent carbohydrates from affecting the student’s figure, try to give breakfast foods containing them. Best of all, if this meal will consist of oatmeal, rice, semolina or wheat porridge and black tea with milk. To diversify such a menu, you can add honey, nuts or fruits to the dish. As an alternative, from time to time you can give the student milk soups, granola with natural yogurt, curd products, sandwiches with cheese and butter. From hot drinks - cocoa, milk or a rosehip broth.


For lunch, be sure to prepare soup or borsch for the student. For the second, you can offer your child some meat or fish dish with a salad of fresh vegetables. At the same time, overloading the student is also not necessary if he refuses the supplement. It is better to let him go for a walk in the fresh air - then he will definitely return home with an appetite.


If it is possible to feed the student a mid-afternoon snack, cook him cocoa or compote. Offer a drink a small amount of cookies, crackers or crackers, cottage cheese. Give some fruit or nuts. If he is very hungry, you can make a sandwich without harmful sauces or boil an egg.


Try not to make dinner too high in calories. Baked fish or meat with some side dish, pasta or scrambled eggs is best suited. But this meal should necessarily consist of a full-fledged hot dish, not snacks. An hour before bedtime, you can give the student a glass of milk with honey.


In order for the child to have something to eat between meals, give him an apple, a banana, a small bag of nuts or a few dried cakes with him to school. At this age, it is very important not to feel hungry for a long time, otherwise you can easily ruin the stomach.

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