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How to salt mushrooms

How to salt mushrooms
How to salt mushrooms

Table of contents:

Video: Simple Sautéed Mushrooms 2024, July

Video: Simple Sautéed Mushrooms 2024, July

Mushrooms are tasty not only freshly prepared, but also in the form of blanks. Salted mushrooms will be an excellent snack, and they can also be put in soups and salads. It is possible to harvest for future use both champignons and forest mushrooms of different varieties.


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Salted breasts

You will need:

- 3 kg of fresh breasts;

- 1/2 tbsp. salts;

- 3 tablespoons grated horseradish;

- 1/2 pod of red hot pepper;

- several dill inflorescences;

- 10 cloves of garlic.

Prepare the mushrooms for salting. To do this, rinse the breasts, clean the legs from the ground, for especially large mushrooms, separate the hat from the legs. Put the breasts in a deep bowl, fill with water and leave for a day in a cool place. After a few hours, drain the water and add fresh so that the mushrooms do not deteriorate.

Prepare a container in which salting will occur. It can be a bucket if there are a lot of mushrooms, or a pan. Wash the container, put the washed dill at the bottom. Peel and chop the garlic. Also chop red pepper. Lay the mushrooms in layers, sprinkling them with part of the salt and adding pepper and garlic. Put more dill on top, cover the mushrooms with a clean cloth and press down with something heavy so that the load is evenly distributed.

Put the mushrooms in a cool place and be careful not to get too much liquid. If necessary, you can add salt water to the breasts. After 3 weeks, your mushrooms will be ready. Prepare the container - put the jars and rubber covers in a pan, on the bottom of which you need to lay a towel. Fill the pan with water and place on the stove. Bring the water to a boil and sterilize the jars for at least 15 minutes. After that, dry the cans and lids. Fill containers with salted mushrooms, close and store in the refrigerator until consumed.

According to this recipe, you can also salt a mixture of a variety of forest mushrooms.

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