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How to fry an escalope

How to fry an escalope
How to fry an escalope

Video: How to make CHICKEN ESCALOPE 2024, July

Video: How to make CHICKEN ESCALOPE 2024, July

Each dish has its own nuances, thanks to which you can distinguish a chop from a steak or chopped meatball from a steak. Signs of a good escalope are quality meat, an even cut, and a certain cooking technology. And you can cook this dish from almost any type of meat, the main thing is to follow a few simple rules.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • meat at the rate of 300 g / serving;
    • butter;
    • salt;
    • pepper.

Instruction manual


Choose a good piece of meat for cooking escalope. Regardless of the type of product - pork, beef, lamb or turkey - the meat must be fresh, chilled and not frozen. The structure is clean, without streaks, the amount of fat is minimal. The final result depends on high-quality raw materials, therefore it is very important to show maximum attention at this step.


Cut the selected piece of meat into even portions, with a thickness of at least one and not more than 1.5 centimeters. Resist the temptation to reduce or increase the thickness of a portion of a portion - a thin piece will give all its juice and will be overdried during frying, but a thick one will not fry completely, and this is not the right escalope to cook.


Beat off each piece so that the thickness of the escalope is reduced by half - to 0.5-0.7 centimeters, and make incisions on one side of each piece. It is better to beat meat with a wooden hammer, since it is more careful about the structure of the fibers; moreover, excessive contact of the natural product with the metal does not benefit cooked food.


Heat the pan and put the prepared pieces in sizzling butter. It must be borne in mind that it is not worth filling the entire surface of the pan with meat - the juice released in large quantities will cause the meat to stew rather than fry. Lay out the portions in such a way that there is enough space between them.


Salt and pepper the escalope laid on the pan, first on one side, and after the other side is browned, turn the meat over and salt, pepper the rosy side. The frying process takes 4 minutes - 2 minutes on each side. After removing from the pan, immediately cook the prepared meat on the table with a side dish of vegetables or fried potatoes.


Do not fry the escalope for the future - the next day the meat will become hard and tasteless.

Useful advice

In order to avoid contamination of the kitchen as a result of beating meat with a hammer, you can cover the escalope with cling film and beat through it - then you will not have to wash the splashed walls later.

how to cook escalope

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