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How to increase hemoglobin with foods

How to increase hemoglobin with foods
How to increase hemoglobin with foods

Video: Dietary Tips To Increase Haemoglobin Levels 2024, July

Video: Dietary Tips To Increase Haemoglobin Levels 2024, July

Fatigue, anemia, oxygen starvation - the cause of these ailments can be a decrease in hemoglobin in human blood. This phenomenon, quite common these days, can be caused by anything - from pregnancy to stressful situations. In a serious health-threatening situation, only medical assistance is needed, which consists in increasing hemoglobin with drugs. If the situation is not urgent and therapy is not required, then foods that need to be included in your daily diet will help to increase hemoglobin in the blood.


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Few people know that halva contains a fairly large amount of iron. 50 milligrams of iron are needed per 100 grams of tahini halva, while in sunflower it is slightly less - 33 milligrams.


The ground sesame, from which tahini halva is made, is just a storehouse of not only iron, but also calcium, zinc, phosphorus, vitamins B, E. Sunflower halva contains slightly less iron than tahini, but it is much more there than in other products.

You can increase hemoglobin by including 50 grams of dried mushrooms in your daily diet. Regular consumption of mushroom soups will help restore blood composition much faster, because 100 grams of the product contains 30 milligrams of iron. For vegetarians, this is just a great alternative to meat broths.

The same amount of iron as in dried mushrooms is found in seafood, more precisely in mollusks. For excellent well-being and good nutrition, you should include squid, caviar, scallops, shrimp in your menu.


Recently bran has become fashionable. This useful superfood contains not only iron, but also vitamin B, which is involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin. True, an overabundance of bran will lead to problems with the digestive tract, do not get carried away with them by people with impaired pancreatic functions. In general, with reduced hemoglobin, it is recommended to eat a tablespoon of the product daily.

The daily product on the table should be kelp or seaweed. This is another superfood containing iron. 100 grams of kelp contains 12 milligrams. A couple of teaspoons of sea kale, eaten every day, will not only increase hemoglobin, but will have a beneficial effect on all body functions.

A noticeable increase in hemoglobin is possible by simply eating about 100 grams of boiled beets or drinking 30 grams of beet juice every day for a month. Fresh beetroot juice is not well absorbed, so it is best to hold it after cooking for about an hour in the refrigerator. Better yet, dilute beetroot with other juice, such as orange, carrot or apple.

Should I talk about the benefits of pomegranate? After all, doctors primarily recommend this fruit to increase hemoglobin. It is only necessary to remind that pomegranate is not shown for use by those who have stomach problems. Concentrated juice should be diluted, and preference should be given to homemade freshly squeezed.

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