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How to stew cabbage with potatoes

How to stew cabbage with potatoes
How to stew cabbage with potatoes

Video: Braised Cabbage With Potatoes Recipe - EatMee Recipes 2024, July

Video: Braised Cabbage With Potatoes Recipe - EatMee Recipes 2024, July

Cabbage and potatoes are one of the most popular vegetables in our diets. A certain role is played by their affordability. An important factor is that they are on store shelves at any time of the year (the times of spring breaks with one or the other have long passed). But the main thing is that these vegetables can be prepared both tasty and varied. So is it any wonder that many people think of a good idea - combine cabbage and potatoes in one dish, adding seasonings and stewing with some delicious gravy, such as tomatoes or cream with mushrooms.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - Potato;

  • - cabbage;

  • - eggplant;

  • - soup roots;

  • - carrot;

  • - tomatoes;

  • - Champignon;

  • - bow;

  • - garlic;

  • - spices;

  • - vegetable or ghee;

  • - curry paste;

  • - cream;

  • - salt;

  • - spices;

  • - knife;

  • - cutting board;

  • - bowls;

  • - stewpan;

  • - spoons;

  • - pan;

  • - a frying pan.

Instruction manual


Stew cabbage with potatoes and eggplant. Try to use young vegetables for this dish. This condition is quite easy to observe: cabbage, potatoes, and eggplant ripen at about the same time, until mid-November remaining on the shelves in abundance. Later, of course, the eggplant becomes significantly smaller and they move to a different price category, but three or four months is enough to enjoy such a meal. Take for him all the vegetables in an arbitrary amount, but in equal proportions. Wash, inspect for insect damage or the onset of putrefactive processes. Cut out poor-quality places. Peel the cabbage from the outer leaves, whether or not to peel potatoes and eggplant depends on the condition of the skin. If it is soft and tender, respectively, it will not be found scum in the finished dish - you can leave it. Cut the stalks from the eggplant, cut into slices yourself, and then segments or cubes - as you like. Chop potatoes and cabbage into cubes. Fry vegetables in a saucepan in vegetable oil, salt, season with spices, pour boiling water and simmer until tender.


Add soup roots to cabbage and potatoes - you get a completely new stew that can be cooked almost all year round (well, except maybe in the summer months). Take 100 g of root celery, parsley root and parsnip, cut into slices and fry in a small amount of butter. Salt, season with caraway seeds or dill seeds. Peel and chop a kilogram of cabbage and potatoes. Heat 200 ml of vegetable broth in a saucepan, lower the potatoes, cabbage and sauté from soup roots at intervals of 5 minutes. Stew until tender, and when serving, sprinkle generously with chopped parsley.


Make an excellent sauté by stewing cabbage and potatoes in an authentic South European tomato and herb sauce. For 1 kg of cabbage, take 500 g of potatoes, onions and tomatoes, 50 g of garlic and a good bunch of Mediterranean herbs - rosemary, thyme and oregano. Start cooking with the sauce. Cut the tomatoes crosswise, pour over boiling water, and then place in ice water. After this simple operation, it will be much easier for you to remove the skin. Peel and chop onions, chop the garlic, and passer in a small amount of refined olive oil. Cut peeled tomatoes (Italians prefer to break them with their hands), add to the onion and garlic, reduce the heat and simmer well. Then season with salt and pepper, remove the lid, increase heat, allow excess liquid to evaporate, cool slightly, then grind with a blender. Stir in cabbage and potatoes in a little salted water. Drain the broth, transfer the vegetables to tomato sauce. Add a few sprigs of herbs tied into a garnish bouquet. Stew until tender (bouquet must be removed before serving).


For a stew of another genre, take 500 g of cabbage, potatoes, carrots and fresh champignons. You will also need 300 ml of cream of 10 percent fat and slightly dry ground paprika. Cut the carrots and potatoes into slices (if large - cut in half additionally), stew in a small amount of mushroom broth, put the cabbage diced into vegetables. In the meantime, sauté sliced ​​champignons in butter. When the vegetables are half ready, add champignons and paprika to the stewpan. Let the broth evaporate halfway, pour in the cream. Thanks to paprika, they quickly thicken and turn into a beautiful pinkish-orange color. If necessary, salt. Remove the dish from the fire, it is ready.


Stew Indian style cabbage with potatoes. To do this, start by preparing an Indian specialty - garam masala. It is a mixture of whole spices fried in ghee. Without a doubt, after such a treatment, the spices reveal their taste more fully. Take 2 tbsp. oil (in India it is often called "ghee"), glow until light white smoke is released, then alternately put cinnamon sticks, boxes of green cardamom, clove buds, pods of hot pepper, cumin seeds, kalongja, black and yellow mustard. Do this carefully, in boiling ghee the spices begin to “shoot”. When an incomparable aroma spreads through the kitchen - it's time to add chopped potatoes and - after a short time - cabbage. Quickly fry vegetables with garam masala, pour the broth, salt and stew until cooked.


If desired, a thick spicy curry can be prepared in much the same way. For him, buy the paste of the same name in red, yellow or green. Each color is a set of specific spices and spices mixed according to traditional recipes. Heat the ghee, as described above, dissolve in it a tablespoon of the selected pasta. (In the absence of this seasoning, replace with dry curry, although the dish will be different, a similar kind of cabbage stewed with potatoes in Indian style can also take place.) Then proceed as described above. Vegetables prepared with both garam masala and curry are best served with hot boiled rice. Or bake a fresh roti cake that is so delicious to eat with them - a dinner worthy of maharajas is provided for you.


Do not keep the vegetables on fire for too long, they risk softening and turning into mashed potatoes.

Useful advice

Before stewing, cabbage must be peeled of external leaves, but peeling or not potatoes depends on the condition of the peel.

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