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How to count calories in soup

How to count calories in soup
How to count calories in soup

Video: How to Count Calories When Preparing Dinner : Recipes for Weight Management 2024, June

Video: How to Count Calories When Preparing Dinner : Recipes for Weight Management 2024, June

Nutritionists argue that reducing the caloric content of the daily diet by only 200 units provides a loss of 5-6 kg in six months. However, counting calories is quite complicated. And if on the packaging of food products the energy value of a product, as a rule, is affixed and clearly visible, then how, for example, to count calories in a soup? Very simple.


Pick your recipe

Instruction manual


Decide on the ingredients. Open the table of energy values ​​of staple foods (for example, here: http://www.vseki.ru/tablica-kaloriynosti-productov.htm), mark the components of your soup in it, summarize everything, and then calculate the calorie content of the portion.

For instance. You cooked the base broth, which included meat (250 g - 540 kcal), carrots (2 pieces - 48 kcal), parsley root (1 piece - 24 kcal), onions (2 medium heads - 60 kcal), well, water itself (one and a half liters - zero kcal). It is clear that much of these calculations are conditional, since the concept of “average size” is interpreted differently by different people in different ways. Nevertheless, such a calculation is quite suitable.

Total in your broth was 672 kcal. It remains only to divide into portions. Or remember and keep in mind when you will be engaged in the final calculation of the calorie content of the soup, including the energy value of all the components with which you fill the broth. You will see their calorie content in the standard table.


Weigh everything! That is literally everything that you put in the soup. And then correlate all the components with tables of calorie content of food. Usually they indicate kcal per 100 g of the product, but in some tables other weight measures are also indicated (for example, a glass, a tablespoon and the same average value). After calculating the amount of calories, determine how many servings you will distribute the soup, and do the division.


You can simplify the counting process by using the calorie calculator, which can be downloaded on the Internet. Or by contacting a calorie calculator online. For example, here:

However, it is still necessary to weigh products (or at least estimate their weight by eye).


Since many today are engaged in the calculation of calorie content of food, and soups in particular, tables have appeared on the Internet in which you can see the energy value of ready-made dishes. The numbers indicated in them mean 100 g of the product. So you can see the approximate calorie content of some soups here: http://www.kalor.ru/table_kalor, as well as on similar resources, which today are many on the Internet.


When cooking, meat loses 20% of its "raw" calories, fish - 15%.

Engaged in the practice of counting and weighing each product, in a short time you can by eye determine the weight of a vegetable, a piece of meat or fish, etc. It remains only to correlate it with the data of the standard table of energy values.

Useful advice

Keep in mind that the calorie counts of the soup are very arbitrary, because some components digest “part of the calories from themselves, while others, on the contrary, absorb them from neighboring ingredients (for example, cereals in the soup absorb some of the fat). However, even approximate figures obtained when calculating the calorie content of the soup, they are quite suitable for diets, because in any case you find yourself armed with specifics and can control your portions.

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