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How to drink tea with ginger

How to drink tea with ginger
How to drink tea with ginger

Video: Immune Booster: 2 Minute Lemon Ginger Tea 2024, July

Video: Immune Booster: 2 Minute Lemon Ginger Tea 2024, July

Ginger tea can be very different in taste and composition, depending on the selected ingredients and the method of preparation. But its essential difference from classic black tea is not only in taste, but also in undeniable benefits.


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Did you know that people who regularly drink ginger tea look amazing and have no health problems. Firstly, ginger has a tonic effect. Brewed with tea, it returns clarity of thought and freshness to the face. Secondly, ginger tea improves cerebral circulation and positively affects memory. People in creative professions and brainwork should have long replaced a traditional cup of coffee with ginger tea. Thirdly, if you drink ginger tea half an hour before a meal, it improves appetite and has a beneficial effect on digestion. Moreover, it even contributes to the removal of toxins. Fourth, tea with ginger is a very effective remedy for colds. Three to four cups of hot tea per day facilitate mucus separation and soothe cough.


The traditional recipe for this magic tea is as follows: brew 1 teaspoon of ginger powder in 1 cup boiling water, leave for 20-30 minutes. For taste, you can add honey. Drink more than 3-4 times a day, this healing drink is not recommended.


If you are going to make tea from fresh ginger root, the recipe will be slightly different: brew 1 tsp. green tea in 500 ml of boiling water, let it brew for 5 minutes, strain, pour into a saucepan and add 2 cardamom pods (if any), finely chopped 3-4-cm ginger root, a pinch of cinnamon and cloves (optional). Bring to a boil and cook over low heat for no more than 20 minutes. Pour in 3-6 tsp. flower honey and throw half a lemon. Leave it on fire for another 5 minutes. Then let the tea brew for another 15 minutes. Strain the ginger drink in a cup and drink.



There are many variations of these recipes. Ginger tea can be brewed with wild rose, and with herbs (mint, chamomile), and with black, and green tea, and with dried berries. It can be consumed both cold and hot.


How to drink tea with ginger? Drink it in small sips, stretching the pleasure and breathing in the spicy aroma. In hot form, it is more likely a drink for winter, but with ice it is ideal for quenching thirst in the summer heat. In winter, ginger tea will warm faster than the warmest plaid, and in summer it will refresh and quench your thirst after the first sips.


Tea with ginger has contraindications. It is indicated for people of all ages and genders, but you should not drink this drink with high temperature, bleeding, peptic ulcer and inflammatory processes of the skin. It is undesirable to drink ginger tea before bedtime - it invigorates great.

how to use ginger correctly

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