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How to distinguish appetite from imposed advertising

How to distinguish appetite from imposed advertising
How to distinguish appetite from imposed advertising

Video: Why are women alienated by advertising? | APG Noisy Thinking 2024, July

Video: Why are women alienated by advertising? | APG Noisy Thinking 2024, July

Food marketing technologies work against our waist. Their goal is to make them choose a product of their brand, among the rest of the variety. This does not benefit our health and spoils the figure.


Pick your recipe

Here are some marketing tricks:

- Bright packaging and the slogan "Choose me."

A person perceives large amounts of information during the day, including the Internet and television. Therefore, issues of minimum importance, such as the choice of cookies, are resolved automatically. "Take me"? - Well. One less choice.

“It is a false opinion that a chocolate bar can satisfy hunger.”

On the contrary, this will cause a sharp increase in blood sugar, our body will begin to distill it into fat, which naturally lowers sugar. But, only increase your appetite.

- "Everyone loves this, and Seryozha too"

How often do you buy products because "Because everyone takes them"? This principle works on a false statement, rest assured, EVERYTHING doesn’t.

- They sell emotions, not food.

Advertising is lying to you. If you buy an extra packet of cookies, or a bottle of soda, then everything will remain the same. Funny companies, happy families, a pleasant atmosphere at work - it depends on you, and not on the extra calories with a bright slogan.

What products to buy?

- Only those that you need. Make a shopping list before going to the store. This will help you keep your desires, not the desires of the sellers.

- Define the circle of your taste preferences, developing selectivity in the choice of products.

- Try on a new role when buying products: be a culinary critic, esthete and foodie, even a snob. Your stomach will thank you for that.

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