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How to open a jar of jam in 2017

How to open a jar of jam in 2017
How to open a jar of jam in 2017

Video: How to open a jam bottle easily 2024, July

Video: How to open a jam bottle easily 2024, July

If you are going to serve something tasty for tea, get a jar of jam bought at a nearby supermarket or brewed with your own hands. But before the hour to lay out a treat on the vases and sockets, you need to open the jar. And here you may have an unpleasant surprise - the lid is too tightly closed.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - latex gloves;

  • - a towel;

  • - can-opener;

  • - a small sharp knife;

  • - hot water.

Instruction manual


A jar with an industrial screw cap is usually closed too tightly. If it does not lend itself, pour hot water on the junction of the neck of the can and lid. Be careful not to burn your hands. Do not place a jar removed from the refrigerator under a stream of boiling water - it may crack.


After holding the jar under hot water, wipe it with a towel. Wear tight rubber gloves to prevent your hands from slipping. Press down on the lid and turn it with force, holding the can with your free hand. In difficult cases, an assistant may be required - he will keep the jar from sliding on the table.


If the lid has not succumbed, you can gently pry it with a can opener. After that, it will open easily. Be careful with thin tin covers - a can opener can break them. But if you open the jar carefully, it can be used even after the jam is over.


The situation is complicated if the old metal cover is rusted or jam has got under it. This happens with improper storage at home. To get rid of sticking jam, soak the jar in warm water for half an hour, then remove, wipe with a towel and open.


Thick plastic lids can be opened by pouring a little boiling water into the depression in the middle. Under its influence, the cover will expand, and it can be removed. To prevent damage to your fingers, wrap a towel around the neck of the can.


Screw-on plastic lids on jars with marmalade or jam are usually equipped with an additional retaining ring that compresses the neck of the jar and is connected to the upper part by jumpers. To quickly open such a jar without putting extra effort, cut the plastic jumpers with a small sharp knife. Sometimes it’s enough to remove only a part, the denser covers must be completely released. If the can does not open, hold it under hot water. A combination of these procedures will be enough for the most stubborn tank.

how to open the can lid

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