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How not to eat in the evening

How not to eat in the evening
How not to eat in the evening

Video: Why Is Late Night Eating Bad For You? 2024, July

Video: Why Is Late Night Eating Bad For You? 2024, July

The intense rhythm of work or study often leaves no time for food. Naturally, by the end of the day you begin to feel severe hunger. Gradually, the habit of treating oneself to something tasty in the evening is developed. What to do when your legs carry you to the refrigerator and your arms reach for a plate of cake? How to deal with the desire to have a bite to eat at night?


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Instruction manual


Of great importance is the psychological attitude. Internal determination not to gain weight and maintain health will help to achieve excellent results. Set yourself the task of not eating after a certain hour. If you want to break the established rule, hold back and praise your strong will, a real fighting character.


In the evening, choose the time for a walk. Your body will be saturated with oxygen, your mood will improve, sleep will become calmer and stronger. Take a hot bath with aromatic salts. It will help calm down and relax, relieve fatigue. Toothbrushing also produces a conditioned reflex, signaling the body that Morpheus hugs close and does not need to eat.


If the refrigerator is full of tasty, mouth-watering, but high-calorie foods, they will tempt you and seduce you. If possible, replace all of these unhealthy things with healthy ones: fruits, vegetables, yoghurts.


To escape from thoughts about edible activities will help classes that are of interest to you. Reading, needlework, a fascinating film, talking on the phone or on the Internet, household chores, caring for four-legged friends - choose what you like best.


During your last meal, eat fewer spices and spices that whet your appetite. On the contrary, fruits, fresh herbs, dairy products saturate well without a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Before going to bed, you can eat some cheese - it will help to fall asleep.


When something bothers you, it is better to look for a solution to the problem that has arisen, rather than try to jam the trouble. A sandwich or a chocolate bar will not prompt a way out of a difficult life situation, and the added kilos will only spoil the mood even more.


If, despite all the tricks, you still want to eat something, console yourself with thoughts that you will surely pamper yourself in the morning. At breakfast, most likely, you will not feel acute hunger. And if you eat something high-calorie, it will be much healthier than eating in the evening.

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