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How to cut fish beautifully

How to cut fish beautifully
How to cut fish beautifully

Video: How To Fillet Every Fish | Method Mastery | Epicurious 2024, June

Video: How To Fillet Every Fish | Method Mastery | Epicurious 2024, June

Every housewife wants to make a festive table beautiful and original, regardless of whether it is a magnificent celebration or a small family holiday. Slicing fish is perhaps one of the fastest and easiest ways to decorate the table at which friends and relatives will gather.


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Instruction manual


Fish plate

In order to get a delicious fish plate, fish of different colors is ideal: halibut, slightly salted salmon, smoked eel. You can decorate fish platter with slices of fresh or pickled vegetables, lettuce, olives or olives, lemons.

So, for the design of the dish, several varieties of red and white fish, a few leaves of green salad, lemon wedges, greens and olives are taken. A large round plate is lined with lettuce leaves and thinly sliced ​​slices of red fish are laid out in a semicircle on the upper edge, one olive tree is laid out between each piece. The second row is laid out a little lower, also in a semicircle with slices of white fish. A rosette of red fish is placed at the bottom at the bottom: we cut the fish into long slices, lay them out one by one and take turns turning them into a roll (in a circle) - we get a rosette. Above and below the roses, two slices of lemon and several sprigs of greens are placed.

In order to cut the fish into beautiful, neat slices, first of all, you need a very sharp knife. Immediately before cutting, the fish gets wet with a paper towel to remove excess fat, and slightly freezes, as it is much more convenient to cut a solid fish. When the fish is ready for slicing, a knife is taken and slices are cut along the entire piece of fish.


Fish rolls

Smoked salmon is perfect for fish rolls. The fish is cut into slices and folded into elegant rolls, which are tied with the arrow of a green onion. There are other ways to design fish rolls. Grapes, a cube of cheese and olive are strung on a skewer. A slice of fish is pierced along the edges of the skewer in such a way as to make a sail. Two cucumbers are cut in half and laid out on a plate with a slice down on lettuce leaves. Skewers with "sails" of fish are poked onto cucumbers, it turns out very original and beautiful!


Flower of fish slices

To decorate this fish still life, you will need a small flat round dish, which is covered with green lettuce leaves. Salmon or stellate sturgeon is cut into thin wide slices and laid out around the circumference, like flower petals. A thin slice of lemon and olive is placed on each piece of fish. A circle of lemon is placed in the center, and a spoon of black or red caviar is laid out.

Such a fish flower will undoubtedly impress guests and become a wonderful decoration of the festive table!

decorate red fish

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