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How to chop a watermelon

How to chop a watermelon
How to chop a watermelon

Video: The Easiest Way to Cut a Watermelon | Rachael Ray Show 2024, June

Video: The Easiest Way to Cut a Watermelon | Rachael Ray Show 2024, June

It is difficult to find a person indifferent to watermelons. These seasonal fruits refresh and quench your thirst in the hot season, but they reach the most intense taste in velvet autumn. To eat striped berries, the whole family gathers at the table, whose head has his own surefire way of slicing a watermelon.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - watermelon;

  • - a sharp knife;

  • - cutting board.

Instruction manual


Place the washed fruit upright in a bowl. Cut off the top with the tail from it and set it aside. Cut along a slice of a fruit together with a peel and distribute to households. Cover the not eaten part of the watermelon with the top and put it in the refrigerator.


Cut an elongated watermelon along its equatorial part, then cut the upper part in half. Put the quarter of the fruit in the pulp on a chopping board, cut in half and chop the watermelon in neat pieces. Lay the slices on a tray or dish.


Cut a round watermelon into four parts. At the bottom quarter, cut off a portion of the crust so that it stands firmly on the tray. Separate the flesh with a knife and, without removing it from the crust, cut into pieces. Spread the slices alternately in different directions - you get a beautiful cut in a vase.


Cut the watermelon in half along the equator line, put the fruit in a slice on a dish. Slice the berry with a knife from top to bottom, slightly rounding the cut. When you take slices of watermelon, the rest will be fan-shaped.


Make a fruit salad basket out of watermelon. To do this, mark the middle line on the peel with the tip of a knife, draw two parallel lines from the top for the future handle. Make the necessary cuts, decorate the upper edge of the basket with teeth, remove the pulp with a spoon. Make a fruit salad using watermelon pulp and fill the basket with dessert.


Having shown imagination, you can cut a watermelon in the form of a boat or bird. Mark the desired pattern on the peel. Make cuts along the contours, carefully remove the excess peel along with the pulp. When making a complex figure, cut the watermelon into small pieces so as not to damage the rest. Hand out dessert spoons to eat watermelon sculpture.

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