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How to smoke in a slow cooker

How to smoke in a slow cooker
How to smoke in a slow cooker

Video: Crock Pot As A Smoker How To Smoke Meat Sausages in Crock Pot 2024, June

Video: Crock Pot As A Smoker How To Smoke Meat Sausages in Crock Pot 2024, June

Smoked products in a slow cooker are no less tasty than those cooked in a special smokehouse. In addition, there is no unpleasant smell of smoke and you do not need to monitor the cooking process.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • multicooker with smoking function

  • -shapes

  • -meat

  • -fish

  • -a hen

Instruction manual


A smoked crock-pot will help you prepare delicious dishes at home without the smell of smoke. Each such multicooker is equipped with a smoking bowl with a heating element, a chip container, smoking grates and a silicone ring for sealing. Food cooked using a slow cooker is very useful.


The process of smoking occurs with the help of smoke, which is obtained by charring wood chips. The taste of the dish depends on the type of wood chips. For example, when using resinous wood species, the taste will be slightly bitter. The slivers must be placed in a container specially designated for this, which is attached to the heating element. Next, close the lid and lock the container.


Pour 100 ml of water into the bowl. Products should be placed on the wire rack at a sufficient distance from each other, if there are several. Next, the grate must be placed in the bowl of the smokehouse. When everything is prepared, you can close the smokehouse lid and set the pressure regulator. Then turn on the slow cooker and set the mode of hot smoking. Soon the chips will start to burn, and smoke will appear on which products will be smoked. Due to the high pressure, the smoking time of the products will be minimal. When the cooking process is completed, as the multicooker will signal, you need to stabilize the pressure and remove the regulator. After that, you can open the lid.


Cold smoking provides for the absence of water. In this case, only the heating element for smoke formation works. However, in a slow cooker it will not be possible to cook dishes of real cold smoking, since the products will still slightly heat up.


The advantages of cooking smoked meats in a slow cooker are the absence of caustic smoke, optional control over cooking, and the speed of cooking. The taste of smoked products in the multicooker practically does not differ from the taste cooked in a real smokehouse. But some products can cook faster than smoked, so it is recommended to cook them first in the cold, and then in the hot mode of smoking. In this case, a pleasant aftertaste of smoke will remain, and the products will be smoked well.


Before smoking meat, it is advisable to marinate it. The meat is cooked for about 50 minutes on a hot smoked regime, pork ribs are about 40 minutes, and the chicken is about 30 minutes. Before cooking, fish must be gutted and marinated in spices.

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