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How to use avocado seed

How to use avocado seed
How to use avocado seed

Video: You'll Never Throw Away Avocado Seed After Watching This Video Tutorial On How To Make Avocado Tea 2024, July

Video: You'll Never Throw Away Avocado Seed After Watching This Video Tutorial On How To Make Avocado Tea 2024, July

Large bones of tropical fruits are attractive. I want to try them. However, some of them are not very useful because they contain toxic substances. For example, avocado seed is harmful to animals and harmful to humans. You can use avocado seed, but not for food.


Pick your recipe

You will need

Avocados, water, matches or toothpicks, a thin drill, earth, pot, cotton wool (gauze or cotton cloth).

Instruction manual


Choose a ripe alligator pear. From an unripe fruit, the seed will not germinate! If you get too hard avocados, wrap the fruit for several days in paper - it will ripen.


Carefully remove the oily flesh of an avocado, tender with a light nutty flavor. Thoroughly clean the bone and wipe.


Make a pot of soil, humus and sand in a pot. Put a bone in it, sticking it with the wide bottom side. Bury it not completely, but only a third of the total size. Pour into the pan abundantly in spring and summer, sparingly in autumn and winter. After a couple of months, a sprout will appear.


To speed up the process, use pre-germination. Wrap the avocado seed in moist cotton wool, gauze or a cotton rag that you constantly moisten. After a while - from two to four weeks, the bone will crack, roots will appear. Plant it in a pot of earth suitable for avocados. Do not bury deeply.


Sprout avocado seed in an open way. Drill three small holes in the stone at mid level at approximately equal distance from each other. Insert three matches or toothpicks into these holes. Make holes at a slight angle so that the avocado pit sticks well on sticks. They will serve as her support. Place the structure on a glass of water. The wide side of the seed should be at the bottom. Maintain water level. The bone should slightly touch the water. A few weeks later, roots will sprout from the avocado seed.


When there will be a lot of roots, and their length will reach 3-4 cm, plant a seed in a pot with a diameter of up to 9 cm. Do not bury the seed completely. Cover the ground with only a third. By this time, a sprout may already appear on the upper side of the bone. Do not remove residual hard peel from the seedling. After a while, it will become gently pink, smooth and decorate the plant.


A tree, grown to 10-15 cm, transplanted into a larger pot. Keep the plant in a bright place, but not in direct sunlight.


Come up with a different design to maintain the avocado bones. The main thing is to adhere to the principle that the wide side of the bone should be in constant contact with water.

Useful advice

In winter, the plant can discard leaves that reappear in spring.

Related article

Avocado: the beneficial properties of the "alligator pear"


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