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How to use avocado in cooking

How to use avocado in cooking
How to use avocado in cooking

Video: 5 Easy & Healthy Avocado Recipes 2024, July

Video: 5 Easy & Healthy Avocado Recipes 2024, July

Avocado is a nutritious and healthy fruit with good taste. Since it contains no harmful fats, avocados can be safely attributed to diet foods. It contains unique substances that can help break down excess cholesterol in the blood.


Pick your recipe

When choosing an avocado, make sure that its peel is clean, without dark spots and damage. A solid avocado is not ripe, but in a couple of days it will ripen if placed, for example, on a windowsill.

From avocados you can cook a lot of delicious and healthy dishes. When using fruit in its raw form - for example, for salads, it must be prepared. For this, the fruit is cut along the bone, it is taken out by prying it with a spoon, then it is peeled and cut into slices.

To make a simple salad, in addition to the avocado fruit, you will need half an onion, a few lettuce leaves, 100 grams of cheese, 100 grams of cherry tomato, lemon, 6 tablespoons of olive oil, a teaspoon of Dijon mustard. Cut the onions into thin strips, feta cheese and tomatoes - in cubes, chop the salad. Mix all the ingredients and season with lemon juice.

To prepare other dishes with avocado, you must prepare the fruit in the same way. Sprinkle the flesh of the fruit with lemon juice so that it does not change color. To keep it longer, keep the avocado in the refrigerator.

Eating avocados seriously reduces the risks of heart disease. In terms of energy value, this fruit is much superior to meat and eggs.

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