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How to bake pizza

How to bake pizza
How to bake pizza

Video: The Best Homemade Pizza You'll Ever Eat 2024, July

Video: The Best Homemade Pizza You'll Ever Eat 2024, July

Who doesn't like pizza? And this delicious smell of melting cheese and seasoning that fills the kitchen when the pizza warms up? However, why only "warms up", pizza cooked at home can be much tastier than the one brought by the courier from the delivery service.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • 150 milliliters of water;
    • 0.5 teaspoon icing sugar;
    • 1 teaspoon of dry yeast;
    • 225 grams of flour;
    • 0.5 teaspoon of salt;
    • 30 grams of butter;
    • 1 onion;
    • 4 sausages;
    • 400 grams of fresh champignons;
    • 200 grams of cheese;
    • 4 tomatoes;
    • 4 tablespoons of ketchup;
    • 1 tablespoon of olive oil;
    • 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise;
    • 1 egg

Instruction manual


To prepare the dough, pour warm water into an enameled or glass bowl and mix the icing sugar in it. Add yeast to sweet water. Put the bowl in the heat for ten minutes so that the yeast disperses in the water.


Mix the flour with salt and sift the mixture through a sieve. Sifted flour dough rises better and will be more airy. Pound the flour with butter.


Pour yeast diluted in water into flour and knead the dough well. It should be without lumps and not stick to your hands. Put the dough in a bowl, and put a large plastic bag on the bowl and loosely tie its neck. Put the dough for an hour in a warm place.


When the dough rises, beat it off to remove all air bubbles. Knead the dough again, lay it on a cutting board and divide in half. Roll each of the parts so that a circle with a diameter of about twenty centimeters is obtained. If you prefer to make one big pizza, roll the whole dough into one big circle.


For the filling, cut the onion in half rings. Put the onions in a frying pan, add chopped mushrooms and sausages to it. Slightly fry the mixture so that the onion becomes a little soft.


Puncture the dough in several places with a fork, grease it with ketchup, cut the tomatoes in not very thick circles. Put tomatoes and onions with mushrooms and sausages on the dough. Mix the egg with mayonnaise and olive oil and pour the pizza with this mixture. Rub the cheese on a coarse grater and sprinkle the filling with it. Place the pizza in an oven preheated to two hundred degrees and bake for twenty five minutes.

Useful advice

When preparing pizza, it is usually recommended to use brown sugar.

The pizza topping should be cut into small slices and distributed evenly over the dough, otherwise you will get a finished dish with dried edges and a wet middle.

To better separate the pizza from the form in which it was baked, cool its bottom by placing the form with the finished pizza for a few minutes on a wet towel.

Pizza recipes and cooking tips

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