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How to store linseed oil

How to store linseed oil
How to store linseed oil

Video: Boiled Linseed Oil Rags On fire | Safety and Drying Time For Woodworking Oil Finish 2024, July

Video: Boiled Linseed Oil Rags On fire | Safety and Drying Time For Woodworking Oil Finish 2024, July

Flaxseed oil is not translated in the home of those who monitor their health. It reduces the risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes, atherosclerosis, and also effectively fights heartburn, ulcers, constipation, excess weight, and even worms. However, this valuable product retains its properties only if properly stored.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - a bottle with a narrow neck made of ceramic or dark glass;

  • - refrigerator or cellar.

Instruction manual


Use narrow-necked glass bottles to store flaxseed oil. It is desirable that the glass be darkened: brown, green or blue. You can use ceramic dishes, but in this case it is more difficult to control the amount of remaining product. Plastic containers, which often sell linseed oil, are not environmentally friendly, so it is better to overfill them.


When purchasing freshly squeezed linseed oil for bottling, be sure to make a note on the bottle with a date, this will not allow you to exceed the shelf life.


Keep linseed oil in a tightly closed container. During use, immediately return the cap to its place; do not leave the bottle open. This is because the product is rich in unsaturated fatty acids that readily react with oxygen in the air. As a result, with prolonged contact with air, the oil “dries”.


Place the product in a dark, cool place. In an apartment, the refrigerator is best suited to these conditions, and in a private house - a cellar.


According to a popular recipe, to keep linseed oil fresh, add 1 tsp. Calcined in a pan and chilled table salt. per liter. In this case, the salt will serve as a natural preservative, taking away excess moisture.


Do not use flaxseed oil that has expired. It is not only useless, but it can also be dangerous.

Useful advice

Buy fresh cold-pressed linseed oil and be sure to pay attention to its shelf life. Usually it is 3 weeks. Over the specified time, beneficial properties are gradually lost. A long shelf life indicates that stabilizers and preservatives were used in the production. Such a product is better not to purchase.

linseed oil at home

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