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How to store corn

How to store corn
How to store corn

Video: How to store corn naturally at home! 2024, July

Video: How to store corn naturally at home! 2024, July

Sweet juicy corn is tasty both in itself - boiled with salt, and in a hundred different dishes. If you have a certain amount of this cereal that you can’t eat at a time, then you will certainly want to keep it fresh, as long as possible, or even stock it up for the future.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - water;

  • - ice;

  • - salt;

  • - lemon juice;

  • - salt.

Instruction manual


Storage of fresh corn in the refrigerator Remove the husks from the corn cobs and remove the "brush". Fill a large bowl with a wide pan with water, add ice cubes and one teaspoon of salt and lemon juice for every liter of water. Place peeled ears in water for 15 to 20 minutes. Remove the corn from the ears and drain the water through a colander. Store corn kernels in an airtight plastic container or zip bag. Shelf life of such corn is up to three weeks.


If you want to store corn on the cob, it should also be peeled and brushed, sealed in a zip bag and put in the refrigerator. Most varieties of corn can be stored in this form for no more than 3 days, after this period they will begin to lose sweetness. Super-sweet varieties can withstand up to 10 days.


Storage of frozen corn Remove the husk from the corn, with a sharp knife, remove any spots and unripe grains at the ends of the cob. Boil a lot of water in a large, wide pan, when it boils, prepare a bowl of cold water and ice. Dip the corn cobs in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, and then remove with forceps and immerse in ice. Change cold water as needed and add ice. Spread ready-made ears on a towel to dry.


Using a knife, cut the corn grains and pack them in zip bags. Write the date on the packages and put them in the freezer. In this form, corn can be stored for up to one and a half years.


If you want to freeze corn on the cob, then after they dry on a towel, wrap each in a plastic wrap and put it in the freezer.


Storing canned corn Peel the corn and boil the ears for 10 minutes. Let them cool. Cut out the ears of corn and fill them with sterilized jars at 9/10. Pour the corn with cold boiled water. In each jar, add 1 teaspoon of salt per liter of water. Close tightly with lids and put in a cool place for 14-21 days. Add boiled water, close the lid and put in the refrigerator. Such corn will be stored for about 2-3 months.

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