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How to cook tomato risotto

How to cook tomato risotto
How to cook tomato risotto

Video: Creamy Tomato Risotto with Crispy Garlic Crumbs 2024, July

Video: Creamy Tomato Risotto with Crispy Garlic Crumbs 2024, July

Risotto is one of the traditional dishes of Italian cuisine. This is a mixture of boiled rice with a sauce of tomatoes, tomato puree, pepper, mushrooms, bacon, green peas and onions. Cooking is simple, it’s delicious. Served as a main course.


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You will need

    • 225 g of rice;
    • Water;
    • Vegetable oil;
    • Salt;
    • 4 tomatoes;
    • 1 red bell pepper;
    • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of tomato puree;
    • 125 g of mushrooms;
    • 2 onions;
    • 125 g of green peas;
    • 6 thin slices of bacon.

Instruction manual


First make the sauce. Dip the tomatoes in boiling water and leave for a minute. Then take out the tomatoes and pour over cold water. Now tomatoes are easy to peel. Remove the peel from the tomato and cut into slices. Peel and finely chop the onion. Remove the core of the pepper and cut it into strips. Rinse the mushrooms; cut them into thin slices. Remove the crust from the bacon and cut into small pieces.


Heat vegetable oil in a small saucepan and fry the bacon and onions in it until the onions are soft. Add tomatoes, peppers, green peas and tomato puree. Mix everything properly, cover the pan with a lid and simmer for 15-20 minutes.


Now cook the rice. Heat the oil in a saucepan. Pour rice there, mix well with oil and warm for several minutes over low heat. Rice should become transparent. Pour in boiling water (about 600 ml) and add salt. Cover the pan and continue cooking over low heat. Do not mix rice anymore! After 15-20 minutes, open the lid - the grains should absorb all the water. Try it - if the rice is hard, add water and cook a little more.


When the rice is soft, mix it in a pan with cooked vegetable sauce. Heat the resulting risotto, spoon with a spoon on a warm dish, slightly loosen with a fork to add splendor to the dish, and serve.

Angela Wilkes "My First Cookbook" - M., 1999 - 72 p.

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